This post is mostly for you Ms. Pessimist "What If We Don't Pass"
So I jusy checked out my FCAT scores. I got a 5 in reading (kick its butt kind of 5) and a 5 on the math (barely a 5, but still, that is up from the "almost" 5 I had last year.) This was a good way to end my bittersweet relationship with FCAT. Actually, it was a mostly bitter relationship, but there was that one time we got $30 for the when we made fives. Getting that $60 made me appreciate FCAT a whole lot more. These scores, and the 5 on the writting and almost 5 I got on the writing plus let me have one (well two) fond memory(s) of FCAT, "I am DONE with it." And in the words of Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."
Oh yeah, SP3 was way kick butt. (blogger does not allow exclamation points, if it did there would be a lot more of them in this message)