miércoles, septiembre 15

Sorry to post so soon after you Mo' but

This is excellence. This guy put into words exactly what is wrong with galitsky's teaching methods. Hands on, great. 31 year old guy acting like he is 18...inappropriate/creepy. There are some things that in today's day and age you just can't do, even if you think that it is overly conservative or arcane or whatever, you still can't do them. Anyways, read, enjoy


Also, this is the more official report. Let's see you email this one to all your friends showing off how awesome you think you are.



martes, septiembre 14

But that's just how the story unfolds,

"You get another hand soon after you fold. And when your plans unravel in the sand, what would you wish for if you had one chance?"

So, what have I been doing? Um, breaking up with Chris (but still living with him, can you say... uncomfortable? then say it about a million more times) Not only that it's just very emotionally draining. I mean, we're cordial and not really officially broken up, but we know we're breaking up real soon. Which needless to say, makes things hard. I just couldn't handle it. Chalk it up to another stupid mistake hopefully turned lesson in the not so distant future. I've also been making plans such as going to live with my sister in Cali for a little bit, then hopefully getting a job somewhere where it snows for the winter season. Hopefully. But alas, what are plans anymore anyway? I'm going to FLA in about 16 days to see my bro get married and hopefully hanging out with a couple of you ladies. I miss you all terribly and wish things were different. But as Coney Island taught me so well, it is what it is.
