martes, agosto 10

What I did this summer...

  • kicked it off in G-ville where I dove into the biggest bean bag chair I ever saw (while wearing a a stranger's house, while the stranger was not front of MB and Durham), also witnessed either a torture chamber or strip-dancing chamber.
  • worked for UF doing...stuff...
  • hung out in Daytona and ate an epic pizza, for $49 a night.
  • succeeded in the "most ultimate organized music library" mission, complete with genres and years
  • read every xkcd ever, btw the last 50 or so SUCK
  • saw my broham graduate...also, hung out with said broham.
  • attended a party, that had been broken up by the hosts, then again broken up by the cops (ooh, scary). Got pissed off at Justin Alonso.
  • sang on a boat with my bro, my broham, my oldest bestest pal, all the while pissing off the weather gods and weirding out my parents.
  • didn't catch a whole lotta fish, but snorkeled a lot, just the way I like it
  • spent my birthday enjoying the view of a million tiny bait fish performing a symphony of feeding, which looked like something Morgan Freeman should be narrating
  • also spent my birthday with Cari and Mo, getting my rook pierced, being called kiddo and not understanding Across the Universe
  • also was harassed by people in a restaurant for it being my birthday for the first time in my life, swung a napkin over my head...
  • read Wuthering Heights finally, thought damn near every character sucked and was about as lovable a venomous reptile.
  • watched as Jim read Twilight and liked it (haha), also read Bree Tanner and Breaking Dawn...also watched Eclipse, which didn't suck as much as the first two, which says pretty much nothing.
  • Reorganized my closet full of "stuff that needs to go to g-ville vs. stuff that goes here" approximately 50 times, got rid of some crap.
  • beat Mario 64 (again)
  • went to Siesta Key
  • went to IKEA twice...rekindled my love for iphones
  • witnessed far too much skinny dipping, flashed my friends (which is not good punishment for them bothering you with their nudity), had my bikini top stolen by some n'erdowells...and sang much too loudly as Charlie played guitar.
  • made plans to walk down frat row with Krystal, with thermoses covered with lisa frank stickers, my thermos having jack, hers with SoCo, and wearing togas (only in college does this make sense)
  • chased a party all around brooksville, a party which was only happening because Corey Becker ODed (irony).
  • swam through a cave...not to mention caught crabs.
  • gained guitar calluses, lost them, then began to earn them back, hopefully forever

I am sure there is more...anyways, what'd you guys do?
