viernes, octubre 3


yeah, we did. :) in overtime against the juniors. it was frightening. but we pulled through. not that i ever doubted that we wouldn't. c/o 2009 is absolutely amazing.

miércoles, octubre 1

The dinkiest library on the face of the Earth

That is where I am currently located. PHCC's east campus library. There are all of 8 shelves sparsely lined with books. I have just completed my Spanish 1 test, it took me all of 25 minutes on a 5 page test. There is a girl sitting in here that we used to go to school with, but as I am not Bethany, I don't know her name. She's pretty, and kinda angry looking. I have econ in an hour or so...I should read the chapter for that. Or I could do that quote response. :( I am bored. And hungry. So that's about that...I wish I had more, but currently there is not a whole lot going on. With me that is. Globally there is, with specific people there is, just not me. And right now that is absolutely OK.
all of my love,

domingo, septiembre 28

all i can say is that my life is pretty plain

so this weekend has been pretty ballin. i know this is a very banal (ha! i used a vocab word!) topic, but i'm loving this year, guys. it's really all i can think about anymore. :) lauren is going to homecoming with ben so i'm happy about that. today is aunt sandy's birthday. i want to go to the beach. real bad. and i need to get a haircut. not as bad. i'm hungry. and very thirsty. i like boys. i need a homecoming date. kelsey, you are going to homecoming.
