miércoles, mayo 7

eight days a week

"they seek him here, they seek him there
those frenchies seek him everywhere

is he in heaven?
is he in hell? (*gasp*)

that damned, elusive

[must be read with very lame pompous french accent]


I got my passport today... and I totally only applied for it like two weeks ago. Anyone want to go to Canada / Mexico with me this summer? I need to start filling it up with stamps. ~bj

martes, mayo 6

Even theives believe that if you find love you've got to set it free

Once upon a time, I wandered into a dream and thought that I found you sitting by a stream. The air was fresh, and green, and skewered with the dancing sunlight that had managed to break through the tree tops. I sat, content, by your side and for the first time in a thousand years, I found love. Love of the cool ground I sat on, love of the stream that flowed happily by, love of your company, but, most of all, love that such sweet dreams could still be mine after all I've done.

lunes, mayo 5

Broadway Boogie Woogie

"human existence leads only to anxiety, a condition that arises because of the consciousness that there is a future that includes choices and death. he noted that most people try to avoid facing their inevitable fate by immersing themselves in trivial activities."

domingo, mayo 4

Nationals in Daytona

all dressed up for dinnerderek lee rode all the way down there to see me =D

a vast sea of nerds (playing simon says)

Lady Leopards and Coach Colonel

Thats when I realized, we never stop craving the attention of the people we look up to

KD I just found these and thought maybe you might want them?

"everything inside it never comes out right"