sábado, septiembre 5

I got a job.

Imma be a cashier at Cheeburger Cheeburger in the Reitz Union. Not the best deal in the world, but hopefully it'll pay the bills. ~bj

jueves, septiembre 3

Oh UF, how many ways do I love thy, Let me count the ways...

1. Free tye-dye in front of Turlington
2. RUB events, like the bands at the Orange and Brew tonight
3. An archery CLUB!!! And, hot guys that also enjoy archery ;)
4. Free printing in the Reitz
5. Free food in many forms
6. Cool bands at homecoming, OAR anyone?
7. Legal vandalism
8. Buses everywhere to anywhere
9. Orange and Blue are flattering colors haha
10. Awesome fraternities like DU and awesome people who are in said fraternities. Like eric who always hurts himself, and gio who is uber tall, and sean who is amazing at math and a good dancer to boot, and jacob who was so drunk he called me both sara and liz, of which i am neither, and bryan who is really cool, and josh who i am a homegirl to, and kyle from NJ, represent! and art, and art 1/2 lol, and dillan who reminds me of josh orendorf, and matt who has the same fight club poster that i have, and kade who is always chill like a polar bear.

martes, septiembre 1

i'm a skyper now!

hooray! i talked to ashley d today on skype. that was fun. and christina. i love cucumber-cream cheese sandwiches. i might have a job at cheeburger cheeburger. yum, fast food. anyways, do you guys ever contemplate how awesome our blog title is? i just did. i think it's pretty awesome. :) i got a care package from sarah & bobby (& bella). it was so sweet.

with love,

lunes, agosto 31

should be doing homework...

"I might be wrong but I am consistent." - Prof Portugal (espanol teacher). it's awesome, i swear this guy is a male senora. is it just me or do you guys keep finding people that look/act familiar? it's like there's a whole parallel universe every where you go. there are no original people. hmm, deep... sorry, i have philosophy in a couple hours. just tryin to prepare ;) well yeah, i just wanted a new post up here but i'm coming to b-ville the 12th thru the 14th and going to the home hhs game on friday. so... yeah i have to go find out where these stupid ants are coming from so i'll talk to you later friends. hope college is going well for everyone.

love, chris

p.s. i'm going to moe's today!! woo! :D