sábado, abril 19

three day old chinese food

I want to say in honor of the blog's b-day (late, I know) that once again you all have made my day so much better. Thank you all! I know, no matter what, that even if high school is never as amazing as I want and even if I have to do things like shut my brain off at times to survive it, you guys are better friends then I could ever dream up in a million years! Thanks!!!!!!
Much love, Wonky cOMMA

viernes, abril 18


Bet ya'll weren't expecting a surprise party today, huh? Well, you've stumbled into one. Today, April 18, 2008, is the official one year birthday of our blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AWESOMENESS!! In celebration we should all eat cake with our faces, and if you have some free time you should check out these posts from the past year that I spent about two hours compiling. Guys, we are amazing, and we will continue to be for a long while... of this I am sure.

Our first year:
April 2007
We are L is for Gifted
Puntology 101
I like to skateboard
I had to fix my G-string
If I lay here, if I just lay here.....
I Who Have Nothing
So sorry to break the 42 but this definitly deserves a post all its own
I wonder...
Hehe again...
HECK YES for 16 year old drivers!!!!!
Finally, Mr. Pickles, we have made the decision...
The hottest man alive (left) AND the best white-guy fro of all time (right)
Where abouts will I find computer anti-depressents...
Smile! You're Gifted
Although it is not common knowledge, there are actually three sides to the Force: the light side, the dark side, and Chuck Norris
Pica-chu, Pica-eww
Hold the phone!
Gurl, hold my weave
à la gauche
"don't tell me you love me and act like you don't"
You're way too beautiful girl...
"She doesn't know the word impossible"
It's just the same hard candy...
More FLVS Wisdom
We all need a little praise
Happy Aids Awareness Day!
... and should I live always in anticipation of someday?
January 2008
Heck yes I'm posting pictures of my sweet grandma car...
This sounds eerily like us...
Heather and Brad were fighting today
That's one doodle that can't be undid home skillet
Norway: Land of the baby eaters
stratford upon avon
"Hurry up and wait"
"Well, you can't be a pimp and a prostitute too"
"I can stand my own ground"

martes, abril 15

Dali was nuts...

Her you are my dear....

painting or photograph?

Painting. This is actually a self-portrait of superrealist Charles Close, painted on a canvas 9x7 feet. Crazy, huh?

"I can stand my own ground"

Would you rather:
1) be a brain or heat surgeon?
2) have no kids or be a foster parent?
3) drink milk or coke as your only option?
4) be a terrible driver or never drive at all?
5) eat frog legs or escargot?
6) have more or less siblings than you do?
7) go to the Dead Sea or Mt. Everest?
8) have no face or a face on either side of your head?
9) be tortured Chinese water style or go to the guillotine?
10) go streaking in the HHS soccer field or show up to the SAT in only your undergarments and have to take the whole test that way?

lunes, abril 14

I forgot to name this post

"At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since. "
-Salvador Dali
Anybody up for splitting up the chemistry page by page? I know this is late notice, but if ya'll are in we can each take a page and have it up by tomorrow morning for copying. If not, oh well, just an idea... Let me know, quick! ~bj

domingo, abril 13


1 a: of or relating to the regions beyond the earth b: celestial, heavenly c: unworldly, spiritual2 a: lacking material substance : immaterial, intangible b: marked by unusual delicacy or refinement c: suggesting the heavens or heaven


I figured that since we are all cramming homework that a break is in order... http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/play.shtml?mea=237389
This is awesome, watch it. Hey Mo', how was your second prom? Talk to you all later.