viernes, octubre 5

i'm racking my brain

I just went to Applebee's and ate my face out. Like you guys will be appalled when you see me next- I have no face. And now my sister's making cookies. How am I supposed to resist chocolate chip cookies?? CM, I have a present for you if I can remember to bring it to you. You will like it. :) ~bj

"If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all." -Michelangelo

jueves, octubre 4

Turtle! Turtle!

This little guy was in my yard this afternoon... it made me happy. :)

miércoles, octubre 3

My little Kangaroo

So I did 16 push ups today. That was an achievement. That was about the only thing achieved today however. So at first I thought Phillis Wheatley might be being sarcastic about how much she loves good ol' George but I suppose she is being sincere huh? Crap I need to do physics, learn functions for my algebra quiz, and learn trigonometry in its entirety before the SAT on Saturday. Oh boy I'm gonna bomb that sucker. I don't really care. We are going out to Shakers tonight. I will eat away my sadness and fall out on my bed like a sack of rocks when I get home. MIT sent me some info today. I think that is pretty much my #1 choice at this point. Its ONLY like 50 grand a year. A girl can dream can't she?


POP Quiz- What is a paradox? You better know before tomorrow.

martes, octubre 2

lunes, octubre 1

"Brighter than sunshine"

I also thought these were really funny, particularly the top one... and worth posting.


sometimes we watch our heroes die

My friends, September has ended. WAKE UP! Reality is here. I am excited for it to get cold. I love Halloween decorations. The first quarter ends soon. Honestly I feel like it's gone by really fast. That's what they say about your upperclassmen years. The future is rapidly approaching. And we all just have to hope that .5% is enough to get by. But your right Wc, a lot of people don't even get that.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want them answered on the spot, right now."
(1) What exactly is a liberal arts college?
(2) What does EP stand for?
(3) When are you going to post our profile pic, CM?


domingo, septiembre 30

I can't believe... guys didn't post anything while we were gone. Well, we're home now. The beach kicked-butt. But I am ridiculously tired. I hope that you all have had a fun weekend. See ya'll tomorrow. ~bj