sábado, junio 30

J <3 cotton spandex

Thats what the sticker on my new underpants says! Isn't that AMAZING. I went to the mall today. I got new Pumas cuz mine are beyond trashed. I also got the Departed soundtrack (Beach Boys, Stones, Dropkick Murphy, a Pink Floyd cover, etc..) and Icky Thump HOO-RAH! I am so excited. I got a whole entire polo shirt in Aeropostale for $2.99. Does that not BLOW YOUR MIND? 'Tis all for now.


I only have three wisdom teeth....

Hey so bowling needs to occur! Hurray for sweet video game winnings, I remeber Donkey Kong oh so fondly... Um well just wanted to say yep I'm going to Canada while were in North Dakota, and were going camping...scary cause I've never been, hope I can do it! Goodness it is hot out! How is school going for everyone(question mark) Oh by the way KD, have you started Mr.G's reading(question mark) Ok well talk to you all later.

Salvador Dali

We beat Donkey Kong!!! We're pretty much awesome.

viernes, junio 29

Only drinks coffee at midnight, when the moment is not right, her timing is quite....unusual

So, I have already informed a couple of you of this but, I got a 28 on the ACT. So here is how it all went down: 25 math (college algebra here I come), 36 reading (yeah buddy) 26 on the english and science, and for you bj, a 9 on the writing. So that is it, I am pretty excited.

Also, I had a pretty big adventure on the Withlacoochee river today, it being the river with no water in it. So the boys got the canoe and me and dad got the kayak, which is about twice the weight of the canoe. Plus dad is about twice the weight of a boy. It wound up that we were either paddling through thick grass that grew in the non-rolling river, OR dragging the kayak over large sandbars/rock bars. Daddy usually drug the boat, but when he was too tired, I had to. Plus when we went up to a sandbar and I, at the front, ran aground, I would have to drag the boat and dad up until they were stuck in the mud. Plus I fell in twice on two steep drop offs. It was overall very sucky, and it took 4 and a half freakin' hours. Well, I am really tired so I will rest before getting up and air-band rocking out with the boys.....but that is a whole nother post.

all of my love,

I still love the Fratellis

Her daddy wrestles aligators, mama fixes carboraters....

I've just read a ton of posts, it made me feel all fuzzy inside. I tried to watch KD's videos but my computer said, heck no! Also, I know it isn't an excuse but my computer availablity has been limited. My little sister discovered myspace! AGH... she is on all the time, luckily she is sleeping mwhahah. Anywho I think 4th of july sounds great. It's a little random but we should all go bowling... I'm gonna see if carl is still on. Ta-ta
Wonky CoMmA

Earth to Wonky

Wow you actually came on here (I guess it was yesterday). I want everyone to know if they are not doing anything on the 4th they are welcome to come over and shoot very dangerous objects into the sky and eat lots of food. That includes Lejeffa Hoffmarstedetin, however I have a feeling you already have some exceptionally festive possibly surprise holiday plans as always.


martes, junio 26

Just in case I will leave my things packed so I can run away

So I'm going crazy - I haven't been out of the house all day. BUT I found a way to occupy 15 minutes of my event-free time...

What does your name mean?

Lea- weary
Cari- man
Christina- Christian
Kelsey- ship victory
Bethany- house of figs

Geez! What were our parents thinking? Don't worry, I still love you house of figs. :) And I will not "throw figs" at you either!! Hehehe

(if you want to read more details about it I found these here: behindthename.com)

The hottest man alive (left) AND the best white-guy fro of all time (right)

Icky Thump

Thats the name of the new White Stripes album that I am really excited about. Hey if the tag on my Buddhist pajama pants says "Beware of Little Sins" then is sloth included?


She smokes a pack a day...Wait that's me, but anyway

Train also smokes (as is evident by my title from "Meet Virginia") Mo. Maybe I could have stayed up and posted a million comments last night, worked out, and read for gov; but I ate a peanut butter ice cream sandwich, watched my favorite spanish movie, and passed out around 9:30pm. I quit Micro Apps. Yall should see the doodle page Brittany and I did in Public Speaking yesterday. It was reDONKulous. Furthermore why do AP textbooks suck? Metaphors, cross-referencing, WHAT IS THIS CRAP? Let me give you these excerpts, mind you they are both out of the same paragraph in my Ah Pe Gov book, "Unlike Don Quixote, the average citizen does not tilt at windmills" (a really screwy metaphor) and "the fact of widespread organized activity can scarcely be doubted—or if it can be doubted, it is only because you have not yet read Chapters 6 and 9" MAYBE I WANT TO DOUBT IT YOU AMBIGUOUS JERKFACE!!!!!!


"Wears high heels when she exercises...ain't that beautiful"

The symphony of blase

Hey guys,

So I'm just sitting here in my pajamas...too lazy to shower, I suppose. But I've got 75 stars in Mario and I'm reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...in large print. BJ, we need to play donkey kong. Oh, and I didn't know you were working at the church this week...how was that dance thing that you went to on Sunday? I'm really hungry. My brother is coming home Sunday. Train is a good band. I want to be in an eating contest. I need to shave my legs. How long does it take for a wart to go away? CARL, check your email. इस थिस इन हिंदी?


lunes, junio 25

So, today has been a day on the computer for me, so I could not help beng on here a lot. This is for you Mo. This is the picture of Bob Dylan that the lead singer reminds me of. See what I mean? Bob does not always look like this, this is just the one I think of. It is funny, because even some of the Fratellis' lyrics remind me of Bob Dylan. Well, while I am at it, here is the Henrietta video, as well as one on this really cool thing called "jumpstyle." You should watch the video and then wiki jumpstyle. It has something or other to do with the "skanking" that Wonky has been talking about, but the wiki thing explains better. It is so weird how things are connected. Just listen to this:

-I watched an ipod commercial with a song on it that I though was really cool
-I looked up ipod's commercials on wiki and discovered that the song I liked so much was one called "flathead" by some band with the weird name the Fratellis
-I then look up the Fratellis and fall in love with them
-I watch a ton of their videos and stumble upon a jumpstyle video done to one of their songs
-I explore jumpstyle and decide it is really cool
-I wiki jumpstyle which connects me to skanking, which of course leads me to the lovely wonky

Just think, one ipod commercial got me going on a several month long chain of events that would eventually lead me to one of my hippest friends. Cool Huh? Well here are those videos:



all of my love,



Hey Everyone,
I wanted to know what the exact dates bj and Mo are going to be gone for. I want to do something for my birthday and I need to plan dates. Does anyone have a good idea for a party. I am just thinking hang out and movie, but we will see when the time comes. On a minor note, it's one month until my driving day.
So I've been thinking, and I think that the contraction 'tis is way cooler than it's. It sounds cooler, and if you say 'tis you can also say 'twas. Well here is one last thing. This is a Fratellis video...not thier best, but it has no scantily clad women in it
all of my love,

domingo, junio 24

Just throwin' this out there...

I know wonky does BETA but are the rest of yall gonna be '09ers or just dream about gifted club club? Anywho, I thought of a cool community service idea if not for all the clubs then at least for Kitty Hawk Leapard Honor Flight (thats not dorky huh?-its like BETA inside of ROTC). Seeing how next year's homecoming is going to be Viva Las Vegas we should have a casino night like Rachel's graduation party. Each club could have their own table (Hold 'em, black jack, roulette, whatev..) and you pay at the door for X amount of chips that are good at any table. You can't cash the chips back in for cash but you exchange them for raffle tickets for whatever prizes we can scrounge up from donators and class sponsors (at the senior's sober celebration the class sponsors donated gift cards and all sorts of crap). The money from the initial chip buying can be distributed to the clubs for whatever charity or we can all collaborate on one cause (however I think our class needs the doe for prom). I know what you'll say, administration won't like the whole gambling thing but if we do it during homecoming week and you are ultimately playing for raffle tickets I think it could work. I think we should have a gifted alliance rather than a club club and then just have each of us with a foot in each club. Kind of like the Justic League of nerdiness.

Sorry if that was a lot to read, at least you don't have to listen to the things in my head all the time,

P.S. I totally forgot about NHS and SHH that we are all in so that works too--duh!