viernes, enero 18

Zucchini fries

Arbitron is a radio audience research company in the United States which collects listener data on radio audiences similar to that collected by Nielsen Media Research on television audiences. It was founded as American Ratings Bureau by Jim Seiler in 1949, and became Arbitron in the 1960s.


miércoles, enero 16

Heather and Brad were fighting today

So, yeah, it looked pri-tty serious. Heather seemed angry, and Brad seemed sorry (in both senses of the word). He was telling her that she gets too excited when he tells her he's coming over, and when he doesn't come, she shouldn't get angry. He was using the F word a lot... given that he was trying to smooth things over, I don't think that was a good idea. Anyway, I thought you may like to know.

"It's bad when you annoy yourself"

For you.