domingo, mayo 13

Happy Mother's Day to all...

Um, yeah, tomorrow is an even day, right? Is there anything big coming up that I need to know about? Because I feel like there should be some homework or something of the like that I'm supposed to be doing but I'm really out of it right now (all hopped up on DayQuil, I guess...) and I can't seem to remember anything. Or math or bio? I don't know, if there is, let me know. Please and thank you.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hello, is having a DayQuil holiday how you spend every Mother's Day? JK. The only hw I can think of is Bio Vocab, Figures, and in my case Lab reports and working on Algebra review. If I get real motivated I might do some reviewing out of Kaplan too...we'll see about that.


L is for Gifted dijo...

Thanks...anonymous? I don't know what's wrong with me, but I really can't think about anything. DayQuil holiday...hehe. J'heart soma! :)

L is for Gifted dijo...

If you put anonymous you don't have to bother with signing in and I left my name anyway. Not like you left a name on your post but now I know its you hehe. Are you nervous about an AP exam...SOMA!