domingo, mayo 6

Motivation Check: HOO-RAH

Your dearest Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Carl is part of the 5th best Color Guard team in the United States of America. Thats right we placed 5th at Nationals!!! Oh how I love bringing home hardware-especially when its at the biggest event in the sport! I had a lovely cinco de mayo in Islands of Adventure in Orlando yesterday too. Would someone please post or call me with the work I missed on Thursday and Friday?

-Much Love,

"Me and Superman got in a fight. I hit him in the head with some kyptonite. Hit him so hard I broke his brain. Now I'm dating Lois Lane. Me and Batman we had one too. I hit him in the head with my left shoe. Right in the temple with my left heel.Now I'm drivin' the Bat mobile. I wanna be an Air Force pilot. I wanna fly an F-16. I wanna fly with my cockpit open just to hear my enemies scream! HOO-RAH"

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