sábado, junio 30

I only have three wisdom teeth....

Hey so bowling needs to occur! Hurray for sweet video game winnings, I remeber Donkey Kong oh so fondly... Um well just wanted to say yep I'm going to Canada while were in North Dakota, and were going camping...scary cause I've never been, hope I can do it! Goodness it is hot out! How is school going for everyone(question mark) Oh by the way KD, have you started Mr.G's reading(question mark) Ok well talk to you all later.

2 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

Why do you only have 3? And when are you going to North Dakota? I've never heard anything of the like...I feel so out of it sometimes. Yes, bowling DOES need to occur..and before Tuesday, or Friday or Saturday, perhaps.

i have zero...

L is for Gifted dijo...

I don't know why I just do on the x-ray there's three big white chunks one per side except one...thats mysteriously empty. I'm betting aliens took it, um I'm going from Aug 2-9 but it stinks a little because his brother will be training military people {cadets(question mark)} so we won't get to hang out as much.