sábado, junio 9

Once upon a kiwi......

Hi, I just read all of you alls quotes and posts! So, everyone seems to be having a rocking summer which I think you all totally deserve. Summer, I have never known a word soooooo sweet. I can't believe how nice the pictures came out of Mrs. Sim's board.
To Ms. Mo': I'll swim when ever is good for you, I was thinking mornings so we don't get too burnt. Hehe let me know. For a closing note, I'm watching "Boy Meets World", I really forgot how funny some 90's shows are. Catching you kool kats on the flip side-considering the rate of the earths rotation the flip side will now be the same side.....
WoNkY cOmMa

2 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

She lives! Nice to hear from you again ol' pal. :)

Love, Mo
"DANCE, DANCE, we're falling apart"

L is for Gifted dijo...

Oh yeah, and about swimming (duh! I'm an idiot - I totally forget what I'm on here for when I actually go to write something) as soon as you want to start is fine except for I can't be there next week (not in the mornings at least) I'm working a youth camp at my church from 9-3. But if you and some other people wanted to go that's fine, they won't say anything. But the week after next, I will be totally game to go in the mornings. So...let me know. :)