miércoles, diciembre 5

El Campeon del Mundo

Questions On Meaning:
1.) Angelou's purpose is to explain the importance of this figure and his struggle as a metaphor for the struggle of her race.
2.) The victory of the African-American boxer is shared by much of his race that put their faith and pride in him.
3.) Those atrocities don't actually occur because of a lost boxing match but they do represent the broken pride of people who have been hurt so many times before.
4.) No, the anecdote is simply a metaphor for a larger struggle that is very real.

Question On Writing Strategy:
1.) The room was crowded and there is a feeling of tension. (Okay sorry I did el lamo on this one. K wants exact quotes and I don't have my Bedford with me to find them.)
2.) There is a climax in which the champion is weakened and the room is suspenseful. After the climax he makes a comeback and it is clear that he will be the winner.
3.) It is ironic that although an African-American won the fight, they were still victimized in the larger struggle.
4.) The use of direct quotation allows you to feel as though you were listening to the fight yourself. You also get to know the personalities of the people in the room this way.
5.) Angelou uses analogy to describe the nature of the people in the store after the fight. Her narrative depends on this setting and the attitudes of the people in it.

Questions On Language:
1.) Angelou is referring to the referee's explanation of the rules before the fight.
2.) Angelou's use of nonstandard English contributes to the conversational tone of the piece and allows you to better understand the cultural dialect of the characters.

Love always,

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Much thanks, Carl.