martes, septiembre 23


The world is falling out from under me, but there is nothing I can do. The days have just slipped by lately and the're gone before I can get a grip on the fact that they have come. I'm not ready for the future but it doesn't seem to care about that. It's heading forward just like the days when I wanted it to come, only faster. Isn't it funny how that happens? When I am where I am going, will I look back and think I did OK? Or will I think I should have done more? Guys, I want to have no regrets, count Lets hurry up and make every second count...because you can't use a second twice. We have one shot at this year and we have to make it great. Beyond great...magnificent.

So, Friday is the game, Saturday the meet. We should do something else too, like sky dive. Bethany, I really want to do that with you this year. OK maybe want is the wrong word. But I have a strong gut compulsion to do it. I'll check out the prices...and maybe some statistics, just to be on the safe side. We should all go.

We should also karaoke together. We sounded good on Rasberry Beret...

I love you all bunches and bunches!

"This is what it sounds like when doves cry"

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i know exactly what you mean!! this is what i've been saying for like the past week. everything just seems like a whirlwind. i mean, seriously, it's almost october. this is our last year. no more after this. this is it. we HAVE to give it all we got. all our chutzpah.

and side note: sorry about being a little on the jerk side today. okay, be serious, maybe a lot on the jerk side. lack of sleep, stressing a few things.. that does it to you, ya know? anyway, i'm sorry. you guys can punch me tomorrow if you want to make up for it. just like, not in the face. the arm would be good.

see ya'll tomorrow

Anónimo dijo...

pete mojake?

Anónimo dijo...

oops. guess it was logged on as his..

L is for Gifted dijo...

yes on skydiving. yes on living big. no on sounding good on raspberry beret... unless your definition of good is 'like a herd of pregnant cattle'. I love you all too. tons and tons. you guys are the most amazing friends. this year is going to kick. I promise. ~bj

Anónimo dijo...

i feel like im spinning my wheels here. so much to be done but i can never even get anything started! i feel weird lately. i cant stop thinking when ever i meet someone new or am really enjoying myself that it will be over in less than a year. is this what he was talking about when he said "it was the best of times, it was the worst of time?"

Anónimo dijo...

you know, i think that may be exactly what he meant. it IS the best of times, it IS the worst of times. perfect description.