domingo, septiembre 28

all i can say is that my life is pretty plain

so this weekend has been pretty ballin. i know this is a very banal (ha! i used a vocab word!) topic, but i'm loving this year, guys. it's really all i can think about anymore. :) lauren is going to homecoming with ben so i'm happy about that. today is aunt sandy's birthday. i want to go to the beach. real bad. and i need to get a haircut. not as bad. i'm hungry. and very thirsty. i like boys. i need a homecoming date. kelsey, you are going to homecoming.


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

face turns away....

L is for Gifted dijo...

stop that.

Anónimo dijo...

-1 for quoting the Godfather

Anónimo dijo...

GRRRRR! i just typed this all and then my comp. died! anyway, im going to shorten this since i ALREADY typed it, i said earlier: my face is breaking out and that sucks, Michal and I aren't dating...he is having a bit of a tough time with being here and relationship stuff, meanwhile im trying to be patient and stuff, i may be considering becoming a nun lol, they arent ever in such a position.... And, i think i will replace my tat craving with a planned, very short hair cut for like the day before i go to college or something of a less FOREVER on your body nature. love you all, hate my computer

Anónimo dijo...

dang lea...