martes, noviembre 4

Come live with us amongst the has-beens and the addicts

I'm sleepy, my neck hurts, i'm annoyed by jerky teachers, its cold out, i want to go to regionals but i dont know if i should, my mama has a 'Tude (with a capital T), i am so broke (but i will you pay you back BJ, i have that), i'm gaining weight cause i'm eating like a swimmer but not swimming like one, my glasses are giving me dull headaches but my contacts are scratched and chipped, i want new clothes, i want my new debit card, i wish my car would start on the first try, i am tired of always being tired, i wish my hair was longer, im bored with myself, i wish i knew where i was going to college, i wish i had my own room, i am tired of explaining why Michal and i split, i want to know how to play guitar, my face is breaking out like no tomorrow, im uber tired of my shoulders hurting, the super dark hairs on my tummy are super dark!
~wonked out comma

11 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

HA! I think she is beautiful so.... not to mention the song isn't too shabby
~wonky lip rings

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

ok, its more like a lower monroe piercing but still. OMG im having a conversation in comments BY MYSELF

Anónimo dijo...

hahaha, you would have a convo with yourself in comments.

and i share many of the same complaints in your post.. that's why we're such great friends. :)


Anónimo dijo...

i bought shirts for us today guys. they're green. and $2.50.

Anónimo dijo...

heh, i heart you also! so yeah im going tomorrow, partly cause psycho sucked hard core today and partly cause i mind as well, im bunking with cory's mama lol SWEET SHIRTS! im so excited for this which one am i again?

Anónimo dijo...

aw man lea, that means you're gonna be gone again...gosh. I can't remember who you were, but I am donatello!


Anónimo dijo...

man... imma gonna miss you :(!
i'm raphael.. if that narrows it down some.

i gotta talk to you guys about what we want to do for the lower region of our bodies. we can't paint ourselves. theme day is the day before homecoming and green clashes with my dress.

Anónimo dijo...

i vote green tights and green shorts. yeah i know, who am i anymore?
well ive been watching this british kid on youtube for like the past hour lol charlieissocoollike, its pretty great. i want a cool accent.

Anónimo dijo...

If you move somewhere out of the country you will have an accent. I don't know how cool it would be because (despite the fact that given a chance they would come here) the rest of the world seems to hate us...


Anónimo dijo...

wow. i missed a lot yesterday. i'm michaelangelo. that makes you... in jacksonville, so it doesn't matter too much. but it makes you leonardo, right? yeah. that's it. ~bj p.s.- when you use imma it already incorporates the gonna, so you don't have to say imma gonna, just imma. :)