sábado, marzo 28

Soon to be like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, except not pants, a blog

Ahhhh, it is early and I am awake, alive, a little sore (chris or kd, you guys sore any?), a bit toasty about the edges, but gosh! I am in a good mood. I got accepted to Spring semester at UF. Annnnnddddddd, I am probably going to Wally world shortly, hmmm maybe i will go visit with the g-rents for a bit, listen to some sweet tunage. hey chis, i think i would like to hang out with ben more, i dont know if you could aid me in this endeavor, but i figured you would be the one to ask...oh yeah! what did you end up doing last night chica? i always forget how much i love ice water...a lot. ok well, talk with you ladies at a later time and place. hope everything is going perfect bethany J

2 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...


and yes, i am sore. i was red last night but i think it's for the most part gone by now. yeah sure, i agree with that idea. do you have work tonight? cuz i'm hanging out with him tonight and you could come if you like cuz "you can have whatever you like........."
and i like your label thing.

alright, ttyl, let me know if you want to hang tonight lola.

Anónimo dijo...

So pretty much...scholarship essay writing sucks:

Why do you need money?

I am broke and I want to go to college. Contrary to what some would think (a la FAFSA) I am not actually going to be helped by my parents. So, that means I will be very very poor. I don't want to live in a cardboard box. That is why I need money. The end.

Anyways...buh I am so bored. It is really really really hot in my room. Yay new room in 4 months!!!

I even fear the ladies, they're cool, but twice as crazy :)

K.D. (who is now off to start some flvs work, but prolly not finish it, just like she started this scholarship essay, but didn't finish it before getting uber distracted by the internet)