sábado, agosto 22

alright: me last, me last

I'm here. home. gainesville. my apartment is pretty sweet. very me. everything went well except a few things. but it's definitely okay. my family just left and i feel weird. i am always feeling weird. kelsey is coming here and that makes me happy. this is college. this is what we've been waiting for our whole lives. ~bj

11 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

that's cool guys. i want to see pictures of everyone's places! i wish i could come visit :(
i really want to go to the wall but i'm feeling all insecure and bad about myself so i'm sitting in my room instead.


L is for Gifted dijo...

p.s. i'm ready to skype anytime lea :)

Anónimo dijo...

I made a video of the apartment. I cant upload it to youtube. Tell me if you want me to email it to you and what address to use.

L is for Gifted dijo...

i wanna see it! just use my reg email address

Anónimo dijo...

who are you? who who, who who?

Anónimo dijo...

and if you are christina, I have at least 2 emails on file for you and I don't know which you currently call regular.

L is for Gifted dijo...

yes im christina. and its camojeiko

L is for Gifted dijo...

sorry i forgot that was a comment that needed to be signed lol :P

Anónimo dijo...

i figured it was you, you're pretty much the only one who is ever signed in...

L is for Gifted dijo...

sometimes i sign in. occasionally. like for some reason i am currently signed in, though i am unsure now. did you try and upload it here? that might work. otherwise send it to me, too. bjd1128@lycos.com. ~bj

ps- christina, did you ever make a video of your place?

pps- i have no camera. therefore i can not take pictures or videos of my apartment. but when i have money, maybe i will buy a camera. maybe not.

L is for Gifted dijo...

yeah i did, just haven't uploaded it yet. i'm gonna attempt youtube first as i have another one that needs to go up there but if it doesn't work i'll see if i can work something out. also, bethany, we need to skype. i've done it twice now, it's so much fun! :)
