(678): All she gave me for breakfast was raw toast. How can she expect me to eat raw toast?
(404): You mean bread?
I think the reason I find some of these so funny is because I can very easily imagine it being one of our conversations. One of our sober, normal conversations. And that makes me laugh. A lot.
So I was stressin' and everything yesterday about not being able to have my cake and eat it too but then I talked to my sister on Skype and now I found a way to steal second base and keep one foot on first. I'm going to go to the ropes training course weekend, but I'm still going to work. I'm going to have a job but not miss out on fun opportunities. Just because I'm wearin that McD's visor doesn't mean I can't do all the things I came to college to do. Thank you Valerie for having a reckless side that corresponds directly with my own.
Chris (i don't think anyone has any idea what i'm talking about but i had to get it out there) Mo
9 comentarios:
yeah for being a pimp and a prostitute too!
what is going on?
are you going to work at Mickey D's?
are you prego?
Today in my intro to engineering class I learned about materials engineering. Sucked. But I sat by the most frattiest looking frat boy in the whole world. He was sweet though. Also, I got to hold a biomaterial hip replacement. It was the lamest lab type thing thus far. Which means it lost to bed foam on the walls. What did you guys do today?
haha pimps. yes, i'm going to work at Mickey D's. and yes, i'm prego, i told you that last time.
today i had an awesome day! i went to class (not important) and after me and stacy rode our bikes all the way downtown (this sounds unimpressive but it's actually a huge deal) and went to the library and s-bux and just had a really fun adventure. anyway, now i'm all tired and sweaty but still good.
darn those fratty frat frat boys
you are not really pregnant, are you?
yes. and i'm telling you on the blog, i thought it was for the best.
hey, you never know. things happen. just checking.
Chris, I would mail you some snow when it comes if I thought that would work. I'm sure I'm going to get sick of the walk to the eng quad in the snow very fast. Kelsey, must you always talk about your into to eng class? You talk about it more than cold fusion. In mine we made robots out of lego mindstorm that opened a valve until enough cold water poured in the hot water until it was 40 degrees celsius. Pretty bad ass really.
cari i used you the other day to impress someone. ok, so impressing them wasn't really my intent. but it did work. "yeah, my one friend cari, she went to cornell...no big deal or anything..."
I decided that I wanted to talk about my engineering class every time we had it. Thus it's only once per week.
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