viernes, octubre 30

I dislike arrogant people...

OK,so this might just be me, but gosh, Galitsky's e-mail about the growl seems totally off base. I'm half tempted to reply to him with a "you're a big jerk" email, but I wont. I mean come off it man, it's a small high school growl, they don't have the money to invest in particularly well done stuff. Especially when that money would be better spent on education, which happens to be the purpose of school. Last time I checked the growl doesn't improve test scores or get us anymore government fundage. Plus its not like SGA can just charge a billion dollars in dues, Hernando aint exactly full of rich kids. Yes, some times there are SNAFUS, but the small number of things I heard from students said that the growl was good. Yes, Galitsky may have been able to do it better, one of the many benefits of being a super nerd, we have all felt like that about our niches at some point, but you can't let that ruin your experience. Sometimes Galitsky just pisses me off with his, "I'm superior and everybody else sucks" attitude. I guess I just suck at dealing with uber type-A pessimists who feel the need to rub their excellence in others faces, seeing as how I am like the exact opposite of that.

Alright, well that was me dealing with my anger in a way that avoided offending Galitsky. Sorry you all had to hear it...


5 comentarios:

Aion dijo...

I don't like arrogant ppl either and I like it that the way you express yourself when you "vent" lol... I have a blog that features other blogs and writes a "brief" commentary about their profile/blog and today (fri) i featured yours (along w/links) I hope you like it.

Anónimo dijo...

So imagine my surprise today when I go about checking the blog to A.) Find a sweet ventilation post that I didn't understand cause I hadn't yet checked my e-mail and B.) That there is a comment and it is from SOMEONE ELSE!
Anyway, yeah KD I agree wholeheartedly. Galitsky has no right to be so harsh. It's just a growl, it's just high school, and most importantly, it's just for FUN! I guess it is to be expected from him, I mean it's one thing if he thinks he could do better and take whatever internal joy from it he can get, but he shouldn't have broad casted that with an e-mail.
SO, comment, from a dude, that isn't us. Both cool and weird. I looked at his blog, it's like a blog of blogs. One issue though, I believe he thinks we are fewer people than we be. Oh man, could you envision all of us as one person?! That would be like dividing by zero lol. Oh, and my TA watches Aqua Teen, she rocks.
~wonKY cOMMa

L is for Gifted dijo...

What? There was a hole torn in the universe? It must have been those L is for Gifted kids trying to divide by zero again. Damn them.


Anónimo dijo...

wow, i think that is really cool. someone else blogged our blog. isn't it weird to think that other people might read our blog sometimes? anyway, i'm going to hhs' homecoming dance tomorrow night. hopefully no one will think i'm super lame, though i'm sure they will. the things one does in the name of love...

Anónimo dijo...

i totally agree with you kelsey, that email was stupid and uncalled for. and it's super creepy that someone commented on here and read that post. so i guess i'm in bville for the weekend too. i freaking hate airlines.