I made it back to Cornell safe and sound. Back to school. Back to stress. Back to cramming too much matter in my tiny dorm room and too many to-do's in my schedule. I bought the John Grisham book "The Runaway Jury" today because it's about my grandaddy's big tobacco trials when he was a lawyer. It's strange to read about the character modeled after him. I wonder if I will make history and my grandkids will be able to have that feeling.
5 comentarios:
Good day, sun shines!
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knowing you carl, you probably will have a book written about you one day, i'll buy it. i hate these spam comment things, very obnoxious. but back to the famousness. remember when we wanted to be in a band? gosh that was forever ago, i so wanted to be famous back then. now i just want to have a good life. travel, find a decent job, get married (not necessarily in that order). you know the normal stuff lol.
oh my god my brain hurts too much bio, make it stop please
Holy Crap! The manufacterer of boy meets world doesn't make it anymore. Now the seasons of it cost like a million dollars. This is terrible.
Hmph I used to watch Boy Meets World like every day but I can't remember the plot of a single episode it was so long ago.
I'm wearing my pants that make me feel like Amelia Earhart today.
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