jueves, marzo 18

I can't stand the typical person who makes it their life's goal to make themselves atypical. Be who you are, even if that is modeling someone else. Don't tell me who to be, even if you are just telling me to be myself. Stop giving a shit about what everyone is, and who you are, and things will fall into place. Don't try to feed me any canned bullshit about the meaning of life, cause if you believe any of that crap, than you have totally missed out on the meaning yourself, which clearly makes you unfit to give such advice. We all have our own way, and if you think yourself as being enlightened and more free than others, than you almost certainly have a bassakwards outlook on what it means to be alive.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

is this quoted...? or something someone wrote?

Anónimo dijo...

Unsigned. Unquoted.

Anónimo dijo...

ok kelsey lol