lunes, abril 19

Bethany dude, you need a facebook.

Anyways, we should go to wiregrass once we are both home. I miss wiregrass.

Also, guess what...the last time I gave blood, I almost passed out. I was at the bus stop, and I was all like, eww I don't feel awesome. But then I was like nah, I'm just psyching myself out. But then I got seriously worried about puking in front of all the people there, so I called Lea and asked her to come get me. And then a bunch of bright lights kept popping in front of my eyes. And then I laid down and discovered that that was the only way I would feel OK. Anyways, I think it was because I hadn't eaten in a while, but I am a little worried about donating again.

Alrighty, so ttyl, hearts, Kels

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

oh man y'all! I did my final evaluation today at work and passed :) which means I can play on the computer now when I don't have calls to take! hurray for facebook and blog at work. on the topic of giving blood I can't give til aug 20 which blows but it is closer than it was (duh...). so is a reunion going to be possible over summer? i hope so...

L is for Gifted dijo...

But the reality is, I don't have one and don't intend on getting one... I do have a cell phone, however. :)

Also on the subject of giving blood, I gave last week and didn't pass out, so that was really good. When they first stuck me, though, the blood didn't flow and they had to twist the needle and that hurt pretty bad. All for the greater good.

Reunion sounds like fun. ~bj

L is for Gifted dijo...

Oh, and also, I am going to the gymnastics championships and am SUPER stoked. :)

Christina dijo...

lea why can't you give till aug 20?

Anónimo dijo...

b/c she lived with dudes with hep c.
but she has no hep it kinda sucks a lot.

Anónimo dijo...

well put my dear thanks :)

Christina dijo...

ohh right... i remember you telling me that now. that's kind of retardo tho - them letting you give with no problem before they changed the rule but now since they changed it you have to wait...

Anónimo dijo...

My grandma and your grandma, sitting by the fire my grandma says to your grandma, I'm gonna set your flag on fire....