jueves, noviembre 4

Sketched Out

Derek had the nerve to friend request me on fb.
Not only did I deny it, but I deleted lots of other B-ville trash people too.
I just felt like I needed a good cyber-sterilization.
I just raped a Mechanics of Solids prelim so I'm pretty much too sexy for my shirt right now.
Did you guys enroll in spring courses yet? I'm in Linear Algebra, Physics 2 Electricity and Magnetism, baby Orgo, and Gov: "Global Perspective."


12 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Cari I love you so freakin much. "I'm pretty much too sexy for my shirt right now." Really!? Did you really say that!? Gosh, you're awesome. No, USF won't let me register till after Dec. 3, which means I pretty much get the suckiest of the suck. But it's all good, at least I'm going to get educated!


Anónimo dijo...

Yayyy! I'm glad you thought my reference was funny I debated it for like half a sec. I think you will love edumacation once you are not surrounded by crazy hippies at new college.

Anónimo dijo...

Dude, you do freaking rock. What exactly is mechanics of solids? Is it not just classical mechanics? Or is it crazy things?

I learned tonight that I have to be accepted to a "degree granting major" before I can register for classes. No more exploring for me.

So anyways, once I get someone to permit my legitimately crazy plans for my life, I will then register for:

-Calc 3
-Physics Number Dos and its lab
-Bio 1 (only because I have to)
-Orgo 1 most likely, although I may not do orgo this semester and instead take thermo, but I feel like it is probably a bad plan to put a semester (and summer) between chem 2 and orgo 1
-And then maybe a classics class, or I might still be required to take a foreign language, but I prob won't take either of those this semester.

My legitimately crazy plans (since I know you were wondering, or maybe you weren't, but I'm goign to tell you anyways) are to at least minor, but hopefully double major, in chemistry, and to get my minor in classics. It only takes an extra semester, an extra semester that I was kinda planning on taking anyways...

Yeah, you can feel free to tell me that I am wasting my life on useless knowledge that only dorks in academia care about and that I should enjoy my life as an overqualified bum.


Anónimo dijo...

Also, I can't freaking believe you are already to linear algebra. Jesus Christ. But matrix alegebra is cool, so no worries.


Anónimo dijo...

Mechanics of solids (or "statics") is the mechanics of things that don't move and don't do anything it is just more involved than Physics 1 mechanics. Yeah linear will be fine. It just was rough blasting through calculus that fast during freshman year. Cornell is crazy. Thus, I am going to stay in college for an extra semester so that I don't die. I also might do some kind of poly sci or psych minor so I have a better chance of maybe getting into law school one day. In which case I will do an extra year of college. I do what I want. I'm van wildering this shit. I vote that you do the same Kelser. I don't think you are crazy.

Anónimo dijo...

I register on Tuesday, which is nice cause it's pretty early buuttttt i never decided on my other major or minor so yeah, let's go random scheduling. i might just grab a few cool history classes, to go with my equally applicable future BS in psych that will let me be a social worker when i'm done, maybe.
We all just do what we want! Also, Carl today is the 5th of November! Remember Remember the 5th of November! Can't wait for our epic reunion soon. It's coming, it's coming, it's coming


Anónimo dijo...

Let me lay it on the line, he had two on the vine. I mean two sets of testicles, so divine.

Anónimo dijo...

So I go see an adviser today, and she is all like, "you aren't allowed to PLAN on being here more than 8 semesters. So basically when you apply for a double major you are forming a contract that says you will get both done in your allotted 8 semesters." And I am like, "look, I think that I would be better off spacing my physics so that I am here 9 semesters anyways, so what is the big deal if I just fill in the gaps with chemistry?" And she is all like, "If you can't graduate at all by the end of 8 semesters, then you can stay longer, but you only get to do exactly what you need to graduate, no more." And I'm like "So that means that if I apply for a double major, and have one class left for each of them that spill over into my ninth semester, I have to pick one?" And she basically says to me, "yes." And I am like, "Even if I am paying for it out of my own pocket?" And she is like, "well, that's not really the problem." And I am like cough cough *bullshit* cough. Not really, buuuuuut still. So anyways, I am behind, even without all of my extra things put into the mix, since I started off in intro to chem and precalc. And so I was like, "dude, even if I just go by what the physics people recommend, I will be here 9 semesters." And she was like, "well, you probably are going to have to consider summer classes." Ughhhhhhhhhh, fml. And then she is all like, "take out loans." And I am like, "no bitch." Not really, buuuuuuuuut still.

Anyways, apparently by going to UF and declaring a major, you are entering in an unspoken contract that you will finish in 8 semesters, and if you don't get done by then, they have the right to be pissed at you. And I mean that for basically all majors, not just double ones.

Anyways I also have to finish the spanish series (again fml, times like a billion) even though my degree audit did not say that I needed any more hours of it, all it did was put a red X by it. Ra-tard.

So that being that and all, I will probably try studying my ass off and taking the SAT II for spn, and pray to God that I pass. But, in much more likely hood, I will be taking spanish two at phcc this summer.

And then, I will also be trying to take dif eq and/or bio 2 (as long as it still counts towards pre-med) at USF this summer.

Anónimo dijo...

And then I get to look forward to fall semester, spring semester, a summer semester at UF, another fall semester, and a spring semester, and then graduating! You wouldn't believe how much of my day I spent planning my next two and a half years of life.

On that note. Last night I compiled my tentative schedule for accomplishing chem/classics/physics majors and I wrote it out on some notebook paper. So I come in for advising, and I say to this girl, "yeah, last night my computer told me I have to declare my major, so I figured I should come in and do that. Anyways yeah, so can you make me a physics major?" And she is like, "um let me check your tracking, oh wow, you are on track for this and your doing quite well." And I am like, "Oh really, because here I was planning on coming in here and telling you that I wanted to major in physics when all I have really been doing these past three semesters is taking a few bullshit anthropology classes and drinking large quantities of whiskey, and I was thinking that maybe you were going to fight me on the whole, "hard science" thing."

And then I was like, "Well, I also want to get a classics minor." And she was like, "wow classics and physics, that's quite something." Oh snap lady, it gets better, "I also want to at least minor in chemistry." Looks of shock. Here you should see above mentioned "8 semester requirement conversation."

Then the real hilariousity comes in. I pull out the notebook paper guide to my life, and she is like, "wow, I am really impressed that you took the time to look all this up and write it out." And I am like, "Well, I was considering spending the time guzzling whiskey, but then the thought hit me, 'wait, this is only my life I am talking about, I am only about completely and utterly invested in it'" And so this is about the point when I am like, "look lady, even according to just one of my majors I am behind, I am not kidding, I looked up the physics major's recommended class flow, and this is it, 9 semesters, not 8." And again I get a, "wow, it's really impressive that you would look up what your own department has to say about how you should go about getting your major."

Ultimately, that woman probably has to work for far too many idiots.


Blogger would literally not let me publish all of that as one comment. The starved right half of my brain strikes again.

Anónimo dijo...

Dude, please get chai tea lattes with me tomorrow and don't be too sick. I had way too many reactions, I feel like I need to talk to you in person.


Anónimo dijo...

That was by far the longest blogger comment ever. And made me laugh out loud. I've only been to an advisor once right at the end of first semester last year, and it was generally painless. I don't really understand why you can't just do everything on your own. Isn't that why there's an online degree audit? Anyway, good luck, Kels. ~bj

Anónimo dijo...

am like, "Oh really, because here I was planning on coming in here and telling you that I wanted to major in physics when all I have really been doing these past three semesters is taking a few bullshit anthropology classes and drinking large quantities of whiskey, and I was thinking that maybe you were going to fight me on the whole, "hard science" thing."

I died.
I love you.
So fucking funny.