martes, diciembre 14

I may be addicted to Cracked...

I also may be addicted to starbucks, but you knew that already.

Also, I am hoping that I fucking boned the shit out of my chem exam. Yes, that is a technical term for doing well. I celebrated finishing it with hot chocolate, chinese food, and monster. And friday, I will be celebrating it by hanging with Lea, and drinking my face off. Anyways, I wish that my teacher would have graded it today, it's just scantrons and then uploading the file that has all our grades on it. Honestly, how can that take longer than like, an hour? I dunno. But, it will hopefully be up by the time I get up tomorrow. So, talk to you later my loves :)


8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Also from cracked:

"Try wrapping some C4 to a computer monitor, and pushing it into the elevator shaft of your chemistry building. Poof, instant delayed exam."


Anónimo dijo...

Lol...I'm sure you boned it my friend no worries. I got a 100 on my psych final and I pulled the B I needed in Statics whooo! Only thing left to do is my enviro exam and figure out if I boned dif eq or not.


Anónimo dijo...

i am glad that we as a group use the term "boned" rather than "raped" when talking about exams. Not only is it less illegal and forced, but it sounds more like the test yielded to your great and sexy knowledge and accepted it's fate. i officially failed my first college exam, 56% without the added points she gave to everyone. I'm addicted to reddit. my jaw is popped out, but hopefully it'll fix itself soon cause it hurts like a bitch.


Anónimo dijo...

Don't worry w.c. I've done it too. Based on the "You might be a" scales I think I'm about 50% hipster and 50% redneck. Either that makes me 100% fucked up or 100% awesome. I'm gonna go with awesome.


"Can I help it if I like Urban Outfitters and Remington Outpost?"

Anónimo dijo...

that's all i want to be; half good old boy brooksville, half weird little town in washington state where everyone is ironicly witty and jaded and has tattoos of cooking utensils hidden under their too big and too grey clothing.


Anónimo dijo...

I'm pretty sure I am more like 85% redneck, with a few hipster tendencies thrown in there to fuck with the psych profilers when I finally snap and murder a shitton of people (who all had it coming no doubt).

I hate saying that I raped tests, it makes me feel weird inside.

Also, I got a 250/250 on my chem final. TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!

Wow, totally unnecessary Kelsey.

So I am going to go ahead and say that I got all A's this semester, for the first time in college!!!! I got an A- in chem (because I failed the shit out of one of the exams, for completely retarded reasons, ahhhh, if only I had gotten like 5 more questions right). And an A- in physics, again, only 4 more correct questions on all the exams of the entire semester and it woulda been a regular A. And then A's in my labs. And even though I haven't taken the final, I'm gonna go ahead and say A in calc II, because I am almost certain I will get one. Needless to say, I'm pretty content with life right now.
Except for the fact that I have to go study unreasonable amounts of calculus. :(


On the upside, chinese for breakfast.

Anónimo dijo...

That's the most badass thing I have ever heard Kels...I'm so proud :D You so didn't need those other 4 questions you're golden.


Anónimo dijo...

Boned it! lol I love it, totally using that term when I have to take tests again. For reals though Kelsey, that is epic. I'm so proud, love you :)
