lunes, octubre 31

Self-inflicted life rules whose self-inflection has been desired, but seriously lacking, for at least 5 years now...

  1. Stand up straight
  2. Floss
  3. Stop staring for hours on end at the magic time displacer, also known as your laptop, you've let it displace far too many of your limited hours on this here Earth
  4. Stop eating butter
  5. Stop eating chocolate
  6. Stop eating sinfully orgasmic combinations of butter and chocolate
  7. Learn how to fall asleep like normal people
  8. Wake up on time
  9. Use this new found "morning time" to be productive
  10. Good Lord, do some push ups or crunches or something, and throw in some yoga for good measure
  11. Cardio (yes this word is a life rule unto itself)
Life goals I have succeeded in implementing:
  1. Brushing my teeth twice daily (8th grade)
  2. Washing my face twice daily (sophomore year of college)
  3. Showering in the a.m. (this year of college)
  4. Not leaving the house make-up less. (basically last year)
  5. Buy and successfully eat vegetables, even if they only are green beans and spinach. (since I started feeding myself)

11 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Don't stop eating chocolate. DO MOARRRR PUSHUPSSS!

My bio course staff had me really afraid of the Population Genetics hw until I looked at it and it was a friggin' Binomial Distribution problem. Thank God they gave the only engineer in this whole class a fucking break.

My new life goal: don't lose your wallet a-fucking-gain. This shit sucks. Granted I'm just happy to be alive after Friday night. I took my first true ride on the blackout express and had to get home in Greta's bf's arms :P

Anónimo dijo...

fucking push-ups.... I would enjoy not losing everything, even if it is only for a few panic filled minutes until i realize it's under my bookbag/in my pocket/on the bathroom counter. I would also enjoy our fridge not freezing my lettuce all the time.
I'm willing to bet 100 push ups that my new bio section prof is gay. He is also hilarious and, most importantly, he isn't lecturing on plants. I'm glad you're alive dude! Cari can always get a new wallet, but where in the hell would we find a new cari?!

Anónimo dijo...

one of my bio lecturers is. He lectured us about Population Genetics and he played Abba before lecture started. The head prof was like "just wanna let you guys know that this is Brian's playlist." Gay guys love to talk about sex in front of people. That is why I love them.

Anónimo dijo...

they really do like talking about sex.... like now that I am thinking about it every gay guy i know has talked about sex multiple times. ours also likes venti caramel mochas with soy and no whip

Christina dijo...

you guys, i wannna be a barista so bad. also, blackout express! love it. i was in santa cruz for halloween and i saw a girl sit down in a plant and piss and then continue to sit in it. the cops came up to her and she told them to fuck off or something. does this resemble the night you had? :)

Anónimo dijo...

no I didn't piss anywhere or call anyone a pig, but I did destroy a bathroom and had to get home in the back of a stranger's car. Don't you work at Panera's. It seems like it would be easy to learn coffee stuff there.

Anónimo dijo...

I wish I could cry about things that upset me like a normal girl, instead I become blindingly enraged and obsessive. At least if I were crying I might fall asleep. Bugh.

Anónimo dijo...

what's wrong!?!? I do the same thing. Mom and I always fight right before I leave because we are sad. Greta and I bitched at each other the other night because we were depressed. It's a survival reflex.

Anónimo dijo...

Oh, I was just mad about Best Buy janking up my computer and my schedule for spring being physically painful to look at. Having a teary meltdown would have been easier than the freak out I was having instead.

Christina dijo...

as great as a teary meltdown sounds, it's not all it's cracked up to be. i'd rather become enraged and obsessive.

Anónimo dijo...

You know, you guys are supposed to fix my spelling mistakes for me, before it's been long enough that I finally see them...that way I don't have to feel like an idiot.