Alright guys, so I took some Equate Nighttime Cold & Flu shit last night. Here is my dream (in an incoherent, incohesive, non sequitur, non narrative fashion, of course, because that is always how i dream. i don't know):
Kelsey wants to take acid. I'm like, me too. But I'm scared I'm gonna have a bad trip wah wah wah. But finally I'm like okay. I'm gonna do it. But we gotta plan what we're gonna do after we take it! What if I freak out! I can definitely see myself freaking out! Okay. So we end up taking it. And to give you a little picture of where we are, it's bears some weird semblance to our middle school upstairs hallway, the one with Bozeman and Branhuber and Kelsey's mom, etc, just a little narrower and smaller in general. So me and Kelsey are sitting in one of the classrooms on the floor and it's like that weird after school time when all the teachers become real people and only a few kids are left, like the ones with teacher parents or the ones who are in trouble or the ones who are super involved in after school activities. We have this little capful of liquid, like the caps on the top of liquid medicine that you take your Nyquil out of, and we're smoking it. Like holding a lighter underneath it and just sucking in any smoke that comes out. How this is scientifically possible, I am not sure. Again, welcome to my dream world. And this is supposed to be acid. Some teacher across the hall sees us and I'm all KELSEY! Shouldn't we do this somewhere else!? And she's all, nah, it's cool. The teacher comes over and talks to us about pot or something and how she used to do stuff like that when she was young.
So switch scenes. We smoked it and I decide I'm going to sit in Lea's car for a while, because it's outside the school. She was with someone else, maybe Shanna, and she's like yeah dude, you can sit in my car. And I'm all freaked out because people have been breaking into houses and shooting people and stealing their stuff. (I think that notion came from a scene in Contagion, which I watched last night) Anyway, I sit in Lea's car.
Switch scenes. I go back upstairs to Kelsey sitting in what I guess is supposed to be her mom's classroom at Parrott. She's just sitting at the desk working on the computer. I'm all, so? Are you tripping balls or what? She's like, dude it doesn't do anything for two hours. I'm all, okay...
Switch scenes. I'm with Cari and Shanna and they're all, we wanna go shopping. So now we're in Wal-Mart. (why do dreams never involve transitions? It's just scene to scene to scene.) We're walking around and I guess I'm just tripping balls and like man I can't be here. Then they're like we wanna go somewhere else and keep shopping. I'm like, alright, I'm out.
Switch scenes. We're all in this movie theater and Shanna's like, I'm going to see Ninja Turtles by myself, see you guys. And then the rest of us go in to like this scary movie or something.
And those are pretty much the main parts. There were some other weird bits and pieces but they're too weird I can't even figure out how to put words to them. But then again, that's pretty typical.
9 comentarios:
damn gurl! i am never a fan of cold med. dreams they are always so insane. i did enjoy your telling of it though lol. i learned last semester that you don't get transitions because when you dream the logic portion of your brain pretty much shuts off/doesn't communicate with the other parts. That's why it doesn't seem weird to you in the dream. INCEPTION!!!!!
lolz I like how we're all included in this dream. I thought maybe you were afraid of getting robbed or shot in Lea's car because she lives in HD O.o
lea just because you're from hillendale....
the ironic thing is i now live and work in an even more country-er club than the one i'm from. :/
also, i met three people from south africa tonight and two of them were white. it took all i had within me...
oh my god Aragorn, you can't just ask someone why they're white!
Also, being that I do hail from Hill'n'Dale, I will shank a bitch. Just sayin'
Ok so I met a whole room full of south Africans last night and they were ALL WHITE! Seriously, I didn't know that happened!
South Africa is all white people. The Europeans took it over during colonialism/imperialism and never gave it back. There's only a few black people there to work low wage jobs and die of aids, because the white people don't give a fuck.
for some reason i thought i had learned that south africa was like the absolute shithole of africa. i guess it's more of east africa... learn somethin new every day.
well sub-saharan is the worst, but south africa is right on the tip (cape town) with its yuppie enclave.
Pretty much all the parts that aren't South and Egypt. But still those too.
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