viernes, febrero 24

In a year's time...

Alex finally figured out he wants me too. Well, about damn time.

7 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

oh my god dude! like oh my fucking thor above. so.... what now?

Anónimo dijo...

Aw love, that it fantastic :) And seriously about damn time, good lord. Bringing him home for spring break?


L is for Gifted dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Mo i liked when you signed your name as christ the best, just saying

Anónimo dijo...

I dunno we're together-ish :)
We don't have time to be up in each other's business all the time so we're keeping it chill. His sister's birthday is during spring break so he can't come, but Mayda is!

I also like the signage of xtina. It looks extreme.

L is for Gifted dijo...

xtreme xtina

cari when are you even here for sb? same time?

Anónimo dijo...

march 16th