jueves, mayo 24

Laughing so hard you hurt yourself is good for your health

In other news, Gainesville has been operating at five thousand billion percent humidity the past few days. Mo! How is your new job/state/friends/life?

3 comentarios:

Christina dijo...

Gahhhh! my new life is awesome!! my sis asked me the same question. i like the idea of my life starting over completely every time i move to a new place haha. cape cod is beautiful, seriously my favorite beaches i've decided. because they're nice to look at and you can still use them, perfect blend of florida and cali beaches. i've explored a pretty good amount due to being virtually unemployed most of the time i've been here haha. i quit my first job and had a new one the next day. now i work at a place that's 50 something years old and they don't use computers and they think the word waitrons is a normal thing and the staff is all middle aged lesbians... so there's that. haha. i don't really have any friends yet and the dude i came up with already has a gf so i've been hanging out by myself a lot which was kinda weird and hard at first but i'm starting to like it more and more. the one dude i've hooked up with one time here who i thought would have made a good booty call for the summer i think is gay with one of the dudes he works with... so that's also a new experience for me hahaha. all we drink here is pbr which is starting to grow on me i guess but is also getting old quickly. i had my first 40 last night, of pbr, naturally. let's see... i went to broston the other day and had an awesome time as well as got to hang out with kelsey for a bit. unfortunately i'm in love with one of my friends back from the keys and we talk all the time and we're just bros but i can't get over him. umm, i've eaten lobster a fair amount since i've been here. before i came i had probably had it less than 5 times in my life so it's pretty cool that it's everywhere up here. anddddd yeah! i think that's about it for now. gonna try to go for a bike ride this afternoon and hopefully take myself out to a nice dinner later hahahaa. peace out dudes, can't wait to see a couple of you soon hopefully!

lots o love

Anónimo dijo...

yayyy! I can't wait to invade your space and be your friend soon! Kels, you need to go see Alex tmwwww!


Christina dijo...

oh god. i found a surfer. like a total, complete, "yeah brahh" surfer dude. life goal = complete. is this what true love feels like?