I met Kelsey, in boy form. Math and physics double major, loves the Fratellis, and works here: http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/lab-info/wilson.html
Funny thing is, his name is Alex and Mayda likes him. We may have a double Alex situation on our hands my friends.
We went swimming with Mike (Greta's boy) and his new roomates; (Kelsey) Alex and (gay-sian) Phil. There was debauchery, leeches, and busting my Ray-Ban's when I forgot they were on my head and butted a soccer ball. Oh (Kelsey) Alex is a soccer boy, I forgot that. Anyway they are pretty super glue-able so no great loss for such an awesome day. :)
It's good to be back and work seems cool. The lab coats are tie-dyed.
6 comentarios:
hahaha why are we always meeting kelsey's boy twin!? i swear i've met at least two now that were dead on. tye dye lab coats. sound. awesome.
So kelse has dissociative personality disorder?
I clearly have developed a matrix style mind insertion into other people's bodies for the express purpose of fucking with you guys.
Also, it sounds like you are having a ton of fun dawg. Nice.
Also, I met the brother of guy who runs (or at least works on) a water purifying project out of Cornell, so its pretty likely you know him. Their last name was Adelman.
Yep definitely is the same guy. I would say small world, but that is getting really repetitive at this point.
So is his brother as shitty at social skills as he was?
I think he maybe deep down was an OK dude, but on top, holy balls, so rude.
I don't remember which one he was exactly I just saw his name on the email list, but there are only like two boys that aren't TAs/advisors. One is tall and cute and the other is stocky and SUPER awkward. I think he is the latter.
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