domingo, julio 22

I'm coming home in eight days

In nine days I will be home.

I didn't fall in love with Scotland the way some people fall in love with places where they have spent a few fleeting moments of their lives, I had sort of hoped to fall in love with it that way. The way that I have fallen in love with the Smokies and the keys. I think I could fall in love with the countryside, because it is beautiful and it feels like home. But not this city. And certainly not when I have such negative feelings about what I spend all my time doing. There is a post back some ways where I am talking about being exited to learn about gravitational waves. I resent this subject so much now that I wish I could go back in time and smack that girl.

I did fall in love with some of the people here. A few of them are absolutely wonderful. It's odd to think that I might not ever see these people that I love so dearly ever again.

I'm not sure why I'm awake. I'm so exhausted from travelling around so much this weekend. It probably has something to do with the over 10 hours of sleep I got last night. Or maybe it was the light drinking that I did earlier in the day. Or the large coffee that followed the drinking and kept me company on the train. Whatever the reason may be, I am going to pay for this tomorrow.

I kind of just want to skip out on my life for a while. Quit school and do something else. But that's all a bad idea considering things, and whatever loafing around it is that I feel like doing can wait a few years until its a reasonable thing to do.

I miss my bed. I miss my dogs. I miss my bathroom. I miss my friends and family. I miss the freedom of my car. It's amazing how trapped I feel without a car. I don't know how people in cities go their whole lives depending on trains and buses and having absolutely no autonomy about coming and going as they please. It just might be the thing I miss most about home. Not feeling trapped.

I also miss the chicken wings and sweet tea and the Gulf of Mexico.

Corey told me happy birthday. Sometimes I think about the year of my life when he was not quite so different from me and we were such close friends. I do miss that person he used to be when he and I were good friends.

Sometimes I say weird things and mean them with complete sincerity and I wont think them weird at all, but the person I am talking to thinks it is weird, so I guess I'm weird sometimes. Or someone told me "eccentric". I guess you'll just have to tell me.

all of my love,


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Also, I want a dog to name Claus.

And this

I hope you all are cool enough to already know about this song, but if not now you do and we never have to again make mention of your ignorance on the topic.


Anónimo dijo...

My swiss friends have dog named Cline. I have heard this song, but now I appreciate it more because of the crazy video. I'm sorry you didn't fall in love with Scotland or your work. I feel like Alex didn't really either, but you're both not really city people in general. We're all such car addicts. Greta is in love with Germany, but she already was. She also hates her supervisor. She stayed with Alex last night after watching the tour and stayed up all night writing a report. Crazy girl. Poor boy. Haha.

Anónimo dijo...

Also, I like the way you speak. I like that it is always epic and a little eccentric. It's like chillin with Hemingway or Vonnegut.

Anónimo dijo...

Kyle and Vdub used to sing this all the time. Despite that fact it's still a pretty baller song lol. I also love the top youtube comment.

I am sorry that your research was so shitty man, you can't really know how much you're gonna hate something until you do it in person, but I would warn past kelser that future kelser was displeased if I could. I can't wait til you get back personally but that is because I'm selfish and miss you. Some of the pictures you posted looked amazing and I think I could love those green places, but I can't handle a city either. I don't like trains or the metro, they make me nervous. And I don't like not having a piece of earth that is mine all mine, even if it is in a coffee can.

We should go to hooters when you get back prease? We'll get drinks and make your bro be DD.

I read the wiki on Hemingway like a week ago and I think that he would get along pretty well with us folk. He used to shoot sharks that tried to eat the fish he was pulling in :)


Anónimo dijo...

Also, you should drop in on your downstairs neighbor, you know to be nice and all