martes, marzo 12

Cheeseburger in Paradise

I'm going to Guam bitches!!!

Two years in muthfuckin' paradise for my first assignment! Never mind the fact that the Pacific theater is huge right now because everyone is afraid of China and North Korea. There's going to be a lot of environmental issues with growing the bases (Navy and AF) which would be perfectly suited for me kicking major ass, making big money, and doing the kind of work I've always dreamed about.

The island is only like 30 miles across, so maybe I'll just get a dirt bike or something. Granted, how am I going to haul around my sea kayak then? Anyone want to work on their scuba certification with me this summer?

Oh and if you ever want to visit, I could always just meet you in Australia ;)

See you this weekend, hopefully!


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FUCKING EPIC I'm so happy for you! I def want to get scuba certified, I actually put down a deposit at a place like a year ago, maybe I can check them out and see what's what! :) Man, I'm so stoked for you.

Anónimo dijo...

Additional bomb to drop on you guys,
I just got tickets to Bob Dylan in April!

Also, I have one requirement for Bonaroo: We have to go see Tallest Man even if we have to crawl to the pit.

That is all.
(Love is all.)


Anónimo dijo...

Love is all you need.

Have I told you guys that if I got a tattoo, that might be it? Except I feel like it's cliche. But I also feel like those words are pretty perfect.

Anyways, Cari man, I am stoked for you. Guam could be completely way awesome. A journey to the great perhaps. I hope its lovely. Adventures are good.

I might be up for scuba certification, except I'm terrified. I had a moment of pure clarity about all of my height related terrors (underwater cliffs, ladders, walking on roofs) the other day when I was on a 20' ish high on-ramp to 75 without guards on the sides. I damn near had a panic attack as I curved around and had to look out over the drop. I hate being over tall drops in situations where I can visualize myself falling. Rollercoasters? No problemo. Balconies many stories up? Heart beat at regular rate. Ladder 6' off the ground with only me keeping me up? Blind terror.

Nioce on the Dylan. Although in his old age he seems damn ornery. But still, the man's a legend.

I want to see so many things at Bonnaroo, I hope I will have the chutzpah to do so.

all of my love,


(On that note, if I could see any legend, it would probably be Jimmy Page. The man looks more natural with a guitar in his hand than without.)

P.S. The thought has crossed my mind that if Jack White and Stevie Nicks had a baby it would be my favorite object on Earth.

Anónimo dijo...

I am planning on some pit time fo' sho' also maybe crowd surfing? I haven't done that since Next Big Thing with Jamie when we were like 14...

Anónimo dijo...
