martes, agosto 27


You'll like it.

I miss you guys.


6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I miss you! How are you?!


Anónimo dijo...

Pretty good. Half marathon this coming weekend, so trying to kick ass and get things done before the road trip! How are you?


Anónimo dijo...

How'd it go? I'm good just busy with application stuff and research stuff. Do you know if you'll you be here for thanksgiving?


Anónimo dijo...

It was good! Pretty much same time as last time. Ehhh I'm gonna go with no. Mom is gonna be pissed, but literally all my shit is due like Dec 4.

Anónimo dijo...

ugh that sucks balls man but I understand. When do you graduate?


The blog is gettin' less action than an 80 year old prozzie

Anónimo dijo...

Yeah, sorry blog.

I graduate on Dec 21st