So yeah, Blunderbuss is pretty addictive as far as albums go. I figured it would be one of those ones that got better as you listened cause on my first go round nothing stood out as particularly amazing, but now if I listen to one song I want to listen to them all.
Today I was in a park, and this massively fat squirrel was just sitting on this fence looking at me. And he just sat there staring at me, like 2 feet away from me. So when I reached for my camera he climbed up a tree, and continued to look at me, and I was watching him cause he was so cute. And then after a bit he climbed down the tree, onto the ground, and scurried around me in a circle and proceed to keep looking me up and down whist clasping his hands. He was so adorable, I felt like picking him up and keeping him.
So, firstly, I do not like sitting in front of computers and working. I think I need to be more hands on doing shit. I think when I get home I'll change my degree to chemistry. Turns out I'm not as much of a physics person as I thought. Secondly, I have no idea what I am doing with my project. My mentor is off getting married in other countries, and even when I met him he was all, "yeah, your project is really flexible you can do whatever really." Which was OK and all, but really I have no knowledge of what the hell is going on, I just need to be someone's helper outer/lackey for a couple months. And also, I am so not a city person. Cities are boring as shit man. At least when you don't have a car and have to walk a mile or two to get anywhere.
Yesterday I got in an argument with this guy in my office about torture. Apparently he thinks Guantanamo Bay defeats the point of America, which seems like a really weird thing to me. It seems like there are a lot more things that destroy freedom a lot worse than some super upper level military holding place that has just about zero effect on anyone's life. But apparently (at least to one Scottish guy), the existence of Guantanamo Bay is a giant deal. But anyways, I was saying that if there is even a slight chance that torturing a very non-innocent person saves a significant number of lives or could in anyway diminish suffering, then it would be worth it. Like if you could torture Himmler in 1943 to get a clue about where Hitler was and what he was up to, then yeah, go for it. Apparently this sentiment is not shared. So at the risk of feeling even more like a soulless bastard, what do you guys think?
Not that I really plan on taking Glasgow people's opinion of American politics too seriously, since it is pretty in vogue to be liberal here. It's just like, bizarre the things people have to say about it, and the expectations they have. I dunno, it just gets my goat when people say things like "Bush is an idiot" and proceed to back it up with further statements of how, "well he's an idiot." Maybe I've just heard that line one too many times, but at least if you're going to attack the man, do it with some sort of actual statement about his prowess as a politician. Perhaps go for how, despite being a republican, he vastly expanded the federal government. Or maybe go for some of the things he did with education. But for god's sake stop peppering everything you have to say about him with, "he's an idiot."
Anyways, all that aside, I miss you guys, I miss home, but I'm also having a good time. Talk to you later lovelies,
all of my love,
9 comentarios:
I think everyone ignorant and extremist attacks the other side with "because he is an idiot," so that they don't have to know anything about anything to feel right. On the first team mtg for AC the prof implied that (unlike us making safe water) Drones change the world in a bad way. Guess I'm going to be flying under the radar...It's not that Drones don't watch and/or kill people and accidentally kill civilians (like 18 last week) BUT they also have an important purpose and are potentially better than other options. Alex also hates the city. I'm sorry for you guys. This seems to be the perfect place for the summer :)
P.S. making M-Pandas for my potluck tomorrow! I'm gonna do tuna and olive and again, but I'm also gonna try guava and cream cheese for the veggie peeps.
I mean, the city is OK, but it's just like, you can eat, or you can go shopping. And I don't have an unlimited bank account to be doing those things with. Plus, shopping gets very boring. Museums would be the really cool thing, and here in Glasgow they're FREE, which is very cool, but they are only open during working hours, during which I am working. But I'm going to hit up one or two this weekend at least.
And I totally forgot one of the major things I was planning on posting about! So today I was on facebook at work and I see that the Fratellis are playing a show tonight in very nearby Stirling!!!! I immediately freak out and start blabbering to the other girls in the office about how my favorite band who hasn't played together in THREE YEARS is playing tonight THIRTY MINUTES AWAY!!! HOLY SHIT NUGGETS!!!! And then I looked it up and the show was totally sold out. Bollocks. I'm so depressed at the cosmic shittiness of it all. I mean for Pete's sakes, my favorite band, who never played close enough for me to see in the states, who haven't played a gig together since 2009, are playing together again when I happen to be in Glasgow, freaking I'M IN GLASGOW, and the goddamn show is sold out. Mother fucking bollocks.
But in lighter news, For the Girl came on my zune on the way home, and you guys know the line where he says, "She was chasin' her thrills and livin' out on the West End"?
Apparently it's quite "posh". Or so I've been told.
You're so awesome :3
I'm sorry you couldn't go...
It's all I can do to not eat the whole can of guava paste now that the m-pandas are done. My lab is pretty cool. We started an experiment yesterday and it reminds me of doing plumbing at the cabin with all of the making of mud and floods and such :P
i love picturing you picking up a squirrel and cuddling with it. and it's funny, i was just thinking how much of a city person i am the other day. actually, let me clarify. i am an extremes person. like, complete country yellowstone style mountains nothing around for miles and miles. or like, nyc. but as for this small town crap, so over it. cities have SO much to do! even if you don't spend money shopping or eating, there's usually tons of free entertainment if you look it up before hand. but, this is only from my experience, i certainly can not speak for glasglow. :) i am very very truly sorry about the fratellis misfortune. i completely emphasize with your heartache, that was so nearly a dream come true. that said, there may have been scalpers at the door, but who knows ;)
i hope you continue to enjoy it, in the meantime i'm tryna get the fuck outta mass, and head west. updates to follow :)
love you all MUCHO
Do it! Just eat the guava paste.
I'd probably be much happier if I were in the actual city, or if the subway were cheaper and closer, but I'm more off in a residential section. It's like a 30 minute walk and a 4 dollar subway ticket/10 min ride to the city. Or like over an hour walk to get there. Which is cool for the weekends and when I have all day for stuff, but limits what I can actually do on weekdays. I think I'm more of a tourist for cities, like if I had my family here and we were just hitting up the cool stuff to see for a couple weeks, that'd be pretty fun. But living here is just kind of meh, at least living out on the outskirts of the city. Walking around big sandstone buildings gets boring. Also, I have found that I really don't like big churches. Weird, because I always appreciated their architecture, but now that I've seen a few, I find them really unsettling and oppressive. At least these big stone ones around here.
I like living off in the sticks, but that's no new revelation. I like small towns too. Not to live right inside of, but to be nearby.
I would have gone just to see if I could get in with like scalpers or something except it was a benefit show, not an actual concert, so it was less about the band and more about the charity, so I figured scalpers would not be so likely. And I would have had to pay to take the train, which would have been worth it if I could have seen them, or if I could have spent the day exploring, but it would have been pretty late by the time I got there so I would have basically just come back here.
Too bad you don't find Cape Cod to your liking. Sorry bro.
I don't know if I have it in my heart to properly forgive him for causing the death of the king's beloved son... But I am glad you are appropriately loving the new CD :)
Chris and I got into our first big fight the other day about corporations being evil/government being corrupted because he kept referring to those two things like they themselves were evil and not the people who use them in selfish ways and all that jazz. It resolved of course, but I have learned that regardless of who or what I'm arguing I get defensive as fuck (to me this makes sense cause I'm debating god damn it and a good defense is the best offense but whatever...)
ANYWAY, kelse I miss our kitchen/hallway talks about the state of the world :/ Also can I get your mailing destination? The office wants use to sign a change to our lease, mostly saying that if we hide a large animal in our house they can rob us blind of pet fees so no biggie.
Carl, I bought like five mangos the other day and I want to make M pandas with them!! You can read my thoughts all the way from NY!
I'll be seeing chrismo in like a day which is awesomeness :) We are gonna hit up sarasota for a few days of fun and sun and likely lots of yum food
I'm going to an all white clothing party hosted by the black dude at my work next saturday. I'm fairly excited mostly cause I am going to make white oreo truffles that I have been wanting to make for a while and I won't end up eating them all by myself at home. Also, when I first met Dante (the black guy) we were talking about cakes and he said, while making eye contact, I only like white chocolate. Of course I took it totally the wrong way and busted out laughing before I realized he really only liked white chocolate.... Anyway that's my life. I miss you guys so much :( That bastard squirrel on our porch now has a nest in my hanging plant. I think it's gonna have little bastard offspring or something, I'll keep you updated on the situation though.
i mean, "i'm going to an all white clothing party hosted by the black dude at my work". he should have expected you to laugh when he said he only liked white chocolate. and his name is dante. everything about that scenario is hilariously racist as shit.
Yo dawg,
So my address is
Block 28 Flat E2
Winton Drive
G12 0QA (zero QA, not O as in Oprah)
Although, I'll be back by like mid-August, if it can wait until then.
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