Cari is coming WEDNESDAY!!! Ahh so can't wait. Gainesville is getting lame guys. Work is fun (most of the time) and making me money, but i'm either working or tired from working... first world problems I know but whatever. Also, I'm finding that I'm liking going out and partying far less than I ever have. I was thinking back to high school and I loved it so much, but now I'm like ehhhh I could go out or I could watch parks and rec...
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Wait, wait. I worry what you just heard was give me a lot of bacon and eggs. What I said was: Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.
Hm, I am wearing no pants right now. I am also waiting to hear one of my flatmates in the kitchen so I can ask them to give me some fridge space. Since I have milk and frozen food I am also contemplating just moving their stuff and putting mine in. Also, I think I am living in a flat full of boys. The toilet seat was up when I went earlier. And it was dudes in the kitchen when I first got here. But now they are gone. And I am waiting for their return. Pantsless.
(Wow upon reading that a second time it sounded a bit naughty. Not my intention.)
I fear I will spend a lot of money here on coffee and clothes. Mmmm, best cappuccinos I've ever had here in Europe. And so much cheap clothes shops. I also have spent like $40 on coat hangers that I am just going to throw out when I leave. Balls. My mentor bought me a beer at lunch today. I love the U.K. I still don't care much for beer.
Mo, I am feeling your pain on the alone in a new city thing. It's boring. But Wednesday I start working, thus I should form some pals. Also, I have flatmates. So there are some potential pals. Once they come to the kitchen.
Scotland is fucking beautiful, excuse my french, but for real, there is a need for emphasis. There are gorgeous exotic flowers everywhere, so much stuff in bloom. And it's cold out, it's so lovely, like colder than last Christmas, it's only hot in the sun. Only bad thing is walking up and down all these damn hills. So not used to that.
Also, It's Always Sunny is on netflix now? Or is that just in the U.K.? Either way I am watching it. Although there is a lot of yelling, which is not conducive to being watched with neighbors.
Also, how am I supposed to poop when all my flatmates are boys? I need creative answers. Girls aren't supposed to poop in front of boys.
Oh yes, I do imagine a surfer dude is what true love feels like. And what, "please remove your pants" feels like is a Scottish accent on a nice looking young fellow.
you could do what morghan did when she pooped at josh's apartment. turn on the shower and the sink and a radio... or you could just poop and they can get over it :) I hope one of your flatmates is a hot scottish surfer whom you bang on the daily for the rest of your stay
Shower confirms it. All dudes. Also, seriously, fuck shaving in a 2'x2' shower stall. I'm seriously considering moving all showering activities to the tiny sink in my room. Fuck having to bend over until my eyes are at my knees with my ass touching the walls of this communal stall, just to still miss half of the back of my calves.
Also, I'm pretty sure this is the foreign kid building. So far I've met an Italian, a French dude, and a dude from the Netherlands.
So totally chillin watchin 30 Rock right now. I enjoy not being super cray anymore. Detsky and I went to Czar the other night, but we were pretty chill. Hopefully your flatmates are cool/hot boys. Drink lots of cappuccinos so that you can poop quickly and then burn candles. Ha. Takes lotsa lotsa pictures to show us. Can't wait to see you Lea! Rahhh!
carl that is some great poop advice
"I am waiting for their return. Pantsless."
hahaha living with all dudes is gonna be AWESOME. girls suck so bad. bitchy and crazy and passive aggressive and crazy.
goddammit, you almost changed my life there kelsey. but no, sunny is NOT on in the united states. just another reason to FUCK the united states. i want my always sunny NOW!
whatever, didn't you ever read "everybody poops"? it's completely normal. and if you ever get married, you're gonna have to poop in front of a boy all the time. and if you ever have a kid! you're probably going to poop in front of a whole bunch of people! so it's fine when you think of it that way!
ah the miracle of birth, aka pooping in front of a room of doctors and relatives while shoving a watermelon sized object out of your vag....
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