sábado, agosto 25

I am the patron saint of lost causes

Our blog name is pretty kick-butt, but there are some other really good ones on blogger. Vivian, Hormonally Healthy Women, t, Flying the Fluffy Whites, Dave's Workout Log, Life is Sweet, Ma Petite Chou (which in case you don't remember from Valentine's day, means "my little cabbage" in French), and esto es que lo hago, among others. Now, I just saw the names, so I am not recommending that you look at these blogs, because I have no idea what the content is. I just like their names. Anyway, I had something to say in this post but I forgot when I got distracted by blogs called Dude, Where's My Ring?, and The Literate Kitten. But you, Carl and Wonky, should get lunch leave and come ride in my sweet car sometime soon. So this was pretty much pointless, but at least there is something new to look at. I heart you all. ~bj

viernes, agosto 24

I Love Posting In School

So...yeah, I am in school....and I am posting. I just think that something new should be going on on here. So y'all be sure to have interesting comments now....or else I will have to stab a hot french-fry in your eye. Which reminds me...I am super hungry. I wonder what Mo's lovely mom is gonna feed us today. J<3 Mo's mom! ~K.D.

martes, agosto 21

You guys seen this yet?

Snow Patrol - "Chasing Cars"


lunes, agosto 20

So this is Christmas...

It's done! (for me at least...) The first day of school is over and I personally think that it went well. This is going to be a kick butt year, guys. ~bj

domingo, agosto 19

Ode to Summer

Man oh Man is it nice outside! I figured I would say happy final day before going out to enjoy it, was it just me or did this summer get very busy, really fast? I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.

"Smeared black ink, your palms are sweaty and I'm barely listening to your last demands, I'm staring at the asphalt wondering, Whats buried underneath?"
"Well, I was there on the day they sold the cause for the Queen and when all the lights all went out we watched our lives on the screen, I hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene. "
"I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move!"
"It's driven me before and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal, but lately I'm beginning to find I should be the one behind the wheel."
""Don't get mad if I'm laughing, blame the caffeine for all the five AM phone calls, I haven't slept a single night in over a month and not even once did you start to make sense to me. Maybe I'm just a little bit slow..."

wOnKy CoMmA