sábado, diciembre 10

Can Brandon Flowers' voice be my religion?

Tyson Ritter will be the temple. And my sacred text is just the lyrics that feed my soul.

jueves, diciembre 8

Civil Engineering

Infrastructure is currently minimal, but it is foreseeable that a full-scale blanket study fortress could be constructed by the end of finals.

Screw bitches, get money.


Nothing like an old fashioned, wine fueled, anxiety-cry in the shower to start off finals week.


It's 6 a.m. ... what the hell.

I like watching the internet squirm as finals approach.


This whole, changing the color of the background every time I copy paste is getting annoying. I dunno how to fix it.

martes, diciembre 6

Local celebrities

Look Wonky we're in an Against Me! video....sorta. You can see the back of my sweaty head for a second before I tossed the crowd surfer off @ 2:30. That night was the bestest :)

lunes, diciembre 5

Studying has reached critical mass, over and out

Yes ladies and gentlemen (of whom there are none on the blog...) it is that time once again. The time when I've been in my room studying for just long enough that I am now not only singing "Hips Don't Lie" by the fray very loudly in gringo spanish, but I am answering practices problems out loud to my self like so "a-dren-o-cor-tico-trophic hormone... BITCHES'


domingo, diciembre 4

I feel like this picture describes my life,

Oh Dooce, your insight into life astounds me.

"M&M's make everything better, even the bitter taste of awkward, lonely nights spent waxing my mustache instead of screwing my TA."