viernes, diciembre 17

Actually, it's Magic Man by Heart

You know you have 13 minutes to watch this amazing indie short...


martes, diciembre 14

I may be addicted to Cracked...

I also may be addicted to starbucks, but you knew that already.

Also, I am hoping that I fucking boned the shit out of my chem exam. Yes, that is a technical term for doing well. I celebrated finishing it with hot chocolate, chinese food, and monster. And friday, I will be celebrating it by hanging with Lea, and drinking my face off. Anyways, I wish that my teacher would have graded it today, it's just scantrons and then uploading the file that has all our grades on it. Honestly, how can that take longer than like, an hour? I dunno. But, it will hopefully be up by the time I get up tomorrow. So, talk to you later my loves :)
