viernes, junio 15

Even though he poisoned the mind of the king of Rohan, Jack White is still pretty bitchin'

So yeah, Blunderbuss is pretty addictive as far as albums go. I figured it would be one of those ones that got better as you listened cause on my first go round nothing stood out as particularly amazing, but now if I listen to one song I want to listen to them all.

Today I was in a park, and this massively fat squirrel was just sitting on this fence looking at me. And he just sat there staring at me, like 2 feet away from me. So when I reached for my camera he climbed up a tree, and continued to look at me, and I was watching him cause he was so cute. And then after a bit he climbed down the tree, onto the ground, and scurried around me in a circle and proceed to keep looking me up and down whist clasping his hands. He was so adorable, I felt like picking him up and keeping him.

So, firstly, I do not like sitting in front of computers and working. I think I need to be more hands on doing shit. I think when I get home I'll change my degree to chemistry. Turns out I'm not as much of a physics person as I thought. Secondly, I have no idea what I am doing with my project. My mentor is off getting married in other countries, and even when I met him he was all, "yeah, your project is really flexible you can do whatever really." Which was OK and all, but really I have no knowledge of what the hell is going on, I just need to be someone's helper outer/lackey for a couple months. And also, I am so not a city person. Cities are boring as shit man. At least when you don't have a car and have to walk a mile or two to get anywhere.

Yesterday I got in an argument with this guy in my office about torture. Apparently he thinks Guantanamo Bay defeats the point of America, which seems like a really weird thing to me. It seems like there are a lot more things that destroy freedom a lot worse than some super upper level military holding place that has just about zero effect on anyone's life. But apparently (at least to one Scottish guy), the existence of Guantanamo Bay is a giant deal. But anyways, I was saying that if there is even a slight chance that torturing a very non-innocent person saves a significant number of lives or could in anyway diminish suffering, then it would be worth it. Like if you could torture Himmler in 1943 to get a clue about where Hitler was and what he was up to, then yeah, go for it. Apparently this sentiment is not shared. So at the risk of feeling even more like a soulless bastard, what do you guys think?

Not that I really plan on taking Glasgow people's opinion of American politics too seriously, since it is pretty in vogue to be liberal here. It's just like, bizarre the things people have to say about it, and the expectations they have. I dunno, it just gets my goat when people say things like "Bush is an idiot" and proceed to back it up with further statements of how, "well he's an idiot." Maybe I've just heard that line one too many times, but at least if you're going to attack the man, do it with some sort of actual statement about his prowess as a politician. Perhaps go for how, despite being a republican, he vastly expanded the federal government. Or maybe go for some of the things he did with education. But for god's sake stop peppering everything you have to say about him with, "he's an idiot."

Anyways, all that aside, I miss you guys, I miss home, but I'm also having a good time. Talk to you later lovelies,

all of my love,


lunes, junio 11


I met Kelsey, in boy form. Math and physics double major, loves the Fratellis, and works here:

Funny thing is, his name is Alex and Mayda likes him. We may have a double Alex situation on our hands my friends.

We went swimming with Mike (Greta's boy) and his new roomates; (Kelsey) Alex and (gay-sian) Phil. There was debauchery, leeches, and busting my Ray-Ban's when I forgot they were on my head and butted a soccer ball. Oh (Kelsey) Alex is a soccer boy, I forgot that. Anyway they are pretty super glue-able so no great loss for such an awesome day. :)

It's good to be back and work seems cool. The lab coats are tie-dyed.