viernes, febrero 22

Education in the Round

Main Entry:
1 clout
Middle English, from Old English clūt; akin to Middle High German klōz lump, Russian gluda
Date: before 12th century
1dialect chiefly British : a piece of cloth or leather : rag
2: a blow especially with the hand; also : a hard hit in baseball
3: a white cloth on a stake or frame used as a target in archery
4: pull, influence

martes, febrero 19

I can hear them whisper

So... chemistry. Test tomorrow or no? I was thinking it was supposed to be this week sometime... I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. And what was the Spanish work KD??

lunes, febrero 18

"she used to be the sweetest girl ever"

Was there something we were supposed to have for K's class tomorrow?