sábado, septiembre 1


So has anyone else started K's work yet? I tried to do my creation myth like the ones in the book and make it totally rediculous...I think I may have gone too far. Gosh I need to do Physics!


Here we are now with the falling sky and the rain...

Movies I Think Everyone Should Watch at Least Once

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (with subtitles) - just because of its hilarity
2. Hard Days' Night - a classic, and quite possibly the best movie of all time
3. National Treasure - "I heart Nicholas Cage in National Treasure"
4. Radio - inspirational sports movies *gotta love 'em*
5. School of Rock - this should be a pre-req for humanities just because of all its references to classic rock
6. Drum Line - it's just good...
7. Forest Gump - watch for all the underlying innuendos... it's fun :)
8. Remember the Titans - I love this movie!!
9. She's the Man - solely for the soundtrack
10. Spiderman (all) - do I even need to explain?
11. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - words... I have none. Just watch it.
12. A Walk to Remember - hey, come on, even I need at least one chick flick in here... oh, and can't forget the soundtrack *i heart SF!*


viernes, agosto 31

The future is near...


~bj and CM

Okay so...

I really hope the race tomorrow morning gets canceled. Not that getting eatin' alive by mosquitos and watching really old people run around in nearly their skivies isn't the cat's pajamas, but McKethan Lake is going to be a total mud hole and I have to get up really early on a Saturday. Uhhh. Wonkers if you have a status update on the race and if there is going to be a rain check please let me know.


P.S. Were you still out in the boat when it started rainin' today Kelser, or did you get in in time?

miércoles, agosto 29

lunes, agosto 27

so passes the glory of the world

So though my teacher said I will start class today, Monday, August 25th, she hasn't activated me yet. Therefore, I sat here the whole period doing less than productive things when I could've gone to Starbucks. How sad am I... ~bj

domingo, agosto 26

J'hate math

Brown gave us this dumb worksheet to do and I've only gotten two problems on it so far. I feel like an idiot. Half the stuff I've never heard of and the rest of it is not in my pre-calc book cause it's stuff we were supposed to know from Algebra 2. Grr, it makes me mad.