sábado, mayo 26

FCAT scores are in

This post is mostly for you Ms. Pessimist "What If We Don't Pass"
So I jusy checked out my FCAT scores. I got a 5 in reading (kick its butt kind of 5) and a 5 on the math (barely a 5, but still, that is up from the "almost" 5 I had last year.) This was a good way to end my bittersweet relationship with FCAT. Actually, it was a mostly bitter relationship, but there was that one time we got $30 for the when we made fives. Getting that $60 made me appreciate FCAT a whole lot more. These scores, and the 5 on the writting and almost 5 I got on the writing plus let me have one (well two) fond memory(s) of FCAT, "I am DONE with it." And in the words of Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."
Oh yeah, SP3 was way kick butt. (blogger does not allow exclamation points, if it did there would be a lot more of them in this message)

5 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

FYI: I saw my scores yesterday and I honestly think they (the FCAT guys) think KD and I are the same person because we've got like the exact same scores on everything... Hopefully when they find out their mistake one of us won't be dissapointed...
Does blogger really not allow exclamation points?!?

L is for Gifted dijo...

I don't believe that you, B.J the almighty math wiz, would have gotten barely a five, like I did. I mean, it was a five by like, three points...


L is for Gifted dijo...

As was mine... Unless my theory is correct and the FCAT gods are feeding me your scores...

L is for Gifted dijo...

Hey how are you viewing those? I'm a doofus -Carl

L is for Gifted dijo...

I lost half of that money cleaning my room. It was really upsetting. :^(