domingo, septiembre 16

If you're up to listening to "Hey There Delilah" twice... these. The second one is really hilarious, but you have to watch the first one first to fully understand. Enjoy! ~bj

9 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

Um, I think you've got them backwards, hon. But still, I don't really see the humor in the parody...

L is for Gifted dijo...

I can't stand being called hon because it's derogatory. Whether you realize it or not, or even if you can't understand my view even after I tell you, the tone you use when you say it is belittling. I'm sorry you don't appreciate the video. Oh well.

L is for Gifted dijo...

I love that you can sense her tone even when she is blogging. I agree that it is belittling and rather deragatory but so is "duh", "stupid", "whatev", and a handfull of other things that we say all the time and don't get hurt by because we are all friends and we know that we love each other even if we don't really care about what is being said at the moment. Thats my philosophical musing for today. I still have to read chapter 8 for APUSH which is slowly a-pushing me over the edge.


L is for Gifted dijo...

Wow. It took me like twenty seconds to get that last part... That's really punny! ~bj

Anónimo dijo...

I really like that song. It took Jim like 2 months of "that song sucks, its so sissy" to finally admit that he wanted to buy it. That was a pretty hilarius parody in my opinion. It would have been better if the guy got hit buy a car in the end thou. Hey, if and when I say hun (not hon for me) I really mean it as an affectionate term, like darlin' or dear, not mean. Admittedly, I say babe derogatorily. Carl, are you really are being pushed to the edge with history? I am relativley enjoying it. I have not read 7 or 8 yet thou since I want the memory to be as fresh as possible tomorrow. I think I will start at about 7:30 or so.

all of my love, K.D.

L is for Gifted dijo...

Exactly. I take it as well as say it more as a term of affection that anything else. Same with babe. Always have.

L is for Gifted dijo...

But your tone does not spell affection. Your tone says disdain, arrogance. Just something to think about.

L is for Gifted dijo...

Just mine? Or anyone that calls you hon?

L is for Gifted dijo...

most people's.