domingo, septiembre 23

à la gauche

Hey guys, I was just wondering as I watched the choir at my church sing this morning:
1) How old do you think you will be when your hair starts to lose pigment?
2) Do you think it will be white or grey?
3) Would you prefer it to be white or grey?
4) Will you dye it or let it go colorless?

Just something to think about. ~bj

6 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

1)44 years and 3 1/2 months
3)silvery gray - like HR's mom
4)probably just let it go, unless I'm only like 30 when it happens


L is for Gifted dijo...

Oh yeah, and bj, today is the first day of fall.

L is for Gifted dijo...

1)My mom is like 48 and her's is starting to go so I guess I'll be around that age.
3)agree with Mo
4)Dye? No way I'm definitely gonna be a silver fox


L is for Gifted dijo...

Yay fall!

Anónimo dijo...

1)I dunno, 37ish, that's when mom's started I think...
4)Dye it til I'm 52, then let it go


L is for Gifted dijo...

Why 52? That's ten years after you've reached the meaning of life. When your 52 you could have grandkids. I guess you could have grandkids way before then too. Do you realize that if you have a kid as a teenager and your kid does the same then you can be a grandparent while your thirty? Wouldn't that be like the worst thing ever? ~bj