viernes, mayo 30

La Dee Freakin' Da

I have no real reason to post I just felt like looking at K's crap was a bit too rage and or vomit inducing. I wish I had a laptop, this computer is so lame and slow. Oh, I asked my dad about Spain and he told me no in several ways. First was just the "are you insane, no you can't go to a foreign country when you're 17!" argument. Then there was "It's too would take you like 400 hours of work just to make $2,000." And so I was like "well can't I just have it for graduation?" And he said that they gave me a nice car and tuition money and that was basically all I got. But anyways, even if I had the money, I just wouldn't be allowed to go. Not surprising, but unfortunate. And this was dad, imagina que mi madre diria. Hasta la vista baby!!!


11 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hey kd I just talked to my mom again about the whole driving home thing. I don't mean to impose but is spending the night not an option? if you have something to do tomorrow I'd have to be out by nine anyway...

Anónimo dijo...


L is for Gifted dijo...

That was a very interesting post, KD. Too bad, but you know, soon enough you will be your own person with your own decisions to make. Probably sooner than any of us really want. The future is upon us... PLUS, we're going to see the freaking BLUE MAN GROUP tonight!! ~bj

Anónimo dijo...

Hey, guess what's on FX at 10;00AM....Mona Lisa Smile!!!!! that's crazy. Thank you guys for the super fun time, I had a blast, and got some really, really Great advise(thank you, thank you, thank you) and ate wayyyyyyy to much delicious fried food! KD, please tell the parental units I said thanks! And, once again, Mo' thanks for the ride. BJ...thanks for not pushing me in the oven!

Anónimo dijo...

hey did you not go to habitat today or did you just get done early?

L is for Gifted dijo...

Yeah, anytime. :) ~bj

Anónimo dijo...

we didn't go :( But in good news I have a job!

Anónimo dijo...

sweet! the cooking one at max's??

Anónimo dijo...

O.K., are we gonna go to Busch Gardens on wednesday cuz if y'all want to I shpuld start working things out with my mom.

Hey Mo what is your name on myspace? I looked in the people search by couln't find you by your full name. I know I can't actually look at it, but I can at least see like your headline, right? I need some good convincing points for my parents...if y'all have any.


Anónimo dijo...

well, I def want to go to busch gardens if that counts for anything. just haven't talked to the parent yet... yeah, kd, I don't really know why my name doesn't come up in the search thing, it's super frustrating to me. but if you just type in "" in the web address thing you should find it that way. tell your mom that no one else can see your profile and that it's totally safe. it's kind of like texting, it's a little bit inevitable. why is she so against it anyway? just the whole web safety thing or what??

Anónimo dijo...

p.s. I'm skipping school tomorrow! yay! :)
