domingo, julio 13

I wrote this song about you...just to let you know that I hate your guts and I think you suck

I am very angry, mostly at the people I live with but, there are others! So, not only am I mad but I was doing dishes which, for some reason, inspires me to think a lot. The resulting combo of thought and anger are a lot like PopRocks and Coke and if I don't say something, or at least write it in our blog, my innards may explode!
OK, so I am tired of people thinking they know what is best for me concerning college!!!!! What the heck, who do they think they are?! Yes, I am staying in Florida because my boyfriend is here and I get my school Paid for! And yes, I will love UCF because it IS wicked cool and is in Orlando. And frankly my dear, I couldn't care any less about a frickin Ivy league school.'s old, yeah, well so is most of Florida, whoopee, so what! If Jeff and I fall apart, I would want to go to the university of Boston, not because it is super pretentious or cost a lot of money but, because they have financial aid and because I Love Irish accents! So ha! Mr. Galitsky was right, we're almost adults and We Do What We Want (at least I am going to from now on)! And, Jeff's right too, I will have to live with my own decisions long after the people whose opinions I used to worry about are dead and gone. So, yeah that's it, thanks blog for taking my abuse and thanks you guys for reading past the first line lol, wow I feel a thousand times better.

4 comentarios:

L is for Gifted dijo...

good. good. college is heavy. it's all anyone ever asks me about anymore. it's like i'm getting married or something. but you're def right- you should make your own decisions and then once you do you'll have to live with them. do what you want. you'll likely regret it otherwise. ~bj

p.s.- it's sort of weird hearing you angry, but we don't mind. rant and rave anytime you want.

Anónimo dijo...

lol, I know it's like first thing, too "hi, nice to meet you. What are you doing for college?" people tell me that they can't picture me ever being mad, Ha!
Can't wait to see you all!

L is for Gifted dijo...


more power to ya

L is for Gifted dijo...

p.s. i like the title of this post. :)