martes, febrero 10

we're flat broke, but hey we do it in style

i got a 68 on my psycho test. laugh. that's all i really wanted to say but i guess since i'm here i'll type some other stuff. so i'm sitting here making pyscho notecards and thinking about how i should get dressed fairly soon here. my mom made me an appointment with the doctor... bleh :/ i do not like the doctor, i've never had to go for like, something real before. i'm super excited for saturday :) i want to go the beach. far far away from here. demetri martin comes on comedy central tomorrow night!! i'm happy about that. well, mi madre is home so i guess i should start looking productive. see you all later.

compensation - according to adler, efforts to overcome imagined or real inferiorities by developing one's abilities


6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i believe that it's actually motivationally deficient... :) did you watch that bubb rubb vid?

L is for Gifted dijo...

oh dang. i was wondering if i got it wrong. yeah i did, did you? it wasn't nearly as exciting as i thought it was going to be... :(

L is for Gifted dijo...

hey you posted at 3 oh! 3


Anónimo dijo...

yeah, i watched it. it was, i must admit, a little dissappointing. i still found it funny, though, probably only because of stephanie...

Anónimo dijo...

yeah, person is a good one, but you will likely have heard a lot of the jokes. I am excited for when his series comes on. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Anónimo dijo...

oh i thought he was starting his series this wednesday night... :/ when does it start then? do you know?
and thanks, i am feeling better for the moment. no headache :D